Making lovely Christmas cookies with the simplest of molds

Last year, I made a four-piece Christmas cookie made from square molds, which everyone loved, and this year, of course, I'm going to make some Christmas cookies that can be made with simple molds....


The panda cookie is delicious.

I love baking, and my daughter was inspired to make this lovely panda cookie, which has a special smell when baked, and when it comes out of the oven, I can't wait to eat it - I have to be patient to finish it!...


Carrot and cinnamon cookies - the taste of Christmas

I don't know what cinnamon tastes like, cinnamon rolls, gingerbread people, cinnamon apple muffins... it's all in my heart, it's hard to buy cinnamon powder locally, I haven't tried it, but it wasn't until I walked into Madelon that I found a trace of it, so I decided to buy it back and I can't wait to open it, I'm a little sorry, how could it be this taste, how can I describe it?...


MRCS chocolate biscuits with letters

Christmas is coming, so it's a good gift to give some cookies to your friends.The crispy biscuits, coated with delicious chocolate sauce, taste just right.I'm a more casual person, so yeah..Whoa, whoa....


French cat-tongue biscuits

This cookie is made using protein, without adding a bit of egg yolk, so it is more sticky, and because of its shape like a cat's tongue, it is called a cat's tongue cookie.Cat's tongue biscuits are sweet and soft, with crispy edges, and are a particularly tasty leisure snack. ...


Cinnamon cookies

Washed and chopped onions
Cutting butter and softening it
Use an egg beater to slightly smooth the softened butt...


In winter, this is how you make delicious cookies.

Butter biscuits, never tried to make, before it was no flower mouth, then it was to see too many examples of winter super difficult to make and stop until Christmas came, in the new company full of January, to taste the little friends...


The cranberry biscuit

The sweetness of the cranberries, the crispness of the biscuits, the biscuits melting in the mouth, the sweetness in the heart, every minute, every second is the hope that every baking lover can be happy, enjoy this moment. ...


Coffee and chocolate cake for a refreshing afternoon tea

This afternoon tea is added to the coffee powder in the afternoon when you don't have the energy to come in two pieces, accompanied by a cup of raw yogurt, a faint cocoa flavor at the entrance, a particularly sweet taste, and a little bit of taste that you can't stop eating!...


Blueberry-scented heart-shaped cookies

The rose blossoms are crushed and added to the soaked water to soften the seawater.
The butter is softened at room t...


Golden cheese and onion rings

Try to do two things, change some places, reduce the amount of powder of the original salt, appropriately increase the amount of sugar, also increase the presence of onions, here is a special word, whether you like onions or not, people still recommend that you add a little more, in addition to covering the smell of cheese powder, the color will be more attractive!...


Black and white biscuits

These black gallons were bought back from a trip to the Northeast last year and slept in the fridge for a long time.I wanted to make some simple biscuits to relieve hunger, so I thought of it, eating too much butter is bad for the body, so I went online to find a recipe and improved it and made this biscuit, no matter how ugly it is, it suits my taste. ...
