Bread machine version of milk toast

All raw materials except butter are poured into barrels in the order of liquid and flour.
Start and face procedure, ...


Sugar-free black tea cookies

Cut small grains of butter into low powder and bubble powder through a sieve, without melting, and knead them by hand in...


Dried cream bread

I believe that many people should really like that thick milk fragrance and crisp bread dry, the extra toast is hard if you don't eat it in time, it's a pity to throw it away, just think about baking toast slices into bread dry, brush sauce is your own taste, very very good, strongly recommended to everyone!!! the finished product is almost not much different from bread talk, the key can be very good to eliminate the inedible bread and toast, instantly turn into a delicious snack, hurry up!...


Six inches of wind

Every time I put 8 inches of material in a 6 inch mold, I have to get some more out, every time I bake at the temperature of the 8 inch recipe, I always bake the dough! I searched everywhere for some recipes, and finally I used this one!...


Banana and Boston pie

One of the eight non-stick plates....


English afternoon tea snack - Scone

This semester of studying abroad in the UK, learning from local mothers is a special treat!...


Red sugar cake

Egg yolk isolated from protein.
Butter and sugar hydrophobic dissolution.
Send the protein.
Add the flour, b...


Banana almond muffins without oil

In fact, it's the first time I've ever baked a light cheese, and it's the first time I've ever baked a soft cheese, and it's the first time I've ever baked a soft cheese, and it's the first time I've ever baked a soft cheese, and it's the first time I've ever baked a soft cheese....


Soft cheese balls

Preparation of materials
Butter, cream, and cheese softened at room temperature
The softened butter is added to ...


Tuna and onion muffins

The canned tuna muffins are perfect for breakfast!...


Macaroni with zero difficulty

Many people think that macaroons should be made by skilled people, so they can only look back, in fact, today's macaroons can even be operated by baking cabbages, as long as you understand a few points, you can successfully make macaroons!!!...


Squallend's paper cup and small cake

Hopefully the bride will like the little cake....
