Tofu bread

Put all the ingredients in the wrapping machine and add the flour to the bread dough in the order of the liquid.


Milk and spinach bread

1, all ingredients except butter are mixed in a blender for 40 minutes, then butter is added and mixed for another 10 mi...


Easy bear bread

I've made two loaves of bread, all handmade, I don't know how to make, I'm tired of making bread, I've spent more than two hours for the first time, I really wanted to cry, but I couldn't give up half of it, making bread and fermenting and making bread, it's all good, it's time-consuming, then I tried again and I didn't want to make bread anymore, then I saw many people using the baking machine to make bread. ...


Milk and cheese breakfast

All the ingredients are mixed, mixed until they form a glove membrane, then fermented for half an hour, then exhausted, ...


Natural yeast village bread

The recipe comes from a Texas farmer.Natural yeast with 100% water powder ratio is used.I made a slight adjustment.About what natural yeast is, welcome to my personal public number i-xiangshi, there are some instructions about natural yeast inside ...


Egg and milk toast

This toast is made by my newly broken bread maker, and when the bread came out, I really didn't expect it to be so soft, the edges were especially thin, it was softer and thinner than the oven, the heat was uniform, and the color was moderate. ...


Bread machine version of walnut sauce

Put the milk, eggs, sugar, and salt at the bottom of the bread bowl, and then put the high-quality flour on top.


The best fruit toast for working people

Pour the milk into the barrel of the packing machine.
Then add a liquid such as egg yolk vegetable oil.
Add the ...
