Cinnamon cookies

Washed and chopped onions
Cutting butter and softening it
Use an egg beater to slightly smooth the softened butt...


One of the royal cookies.

In fact, I'm not a big fan of dessert, but my family loves it, so I look for all kinds of recipes, hoping to make the family happy.Share it with everyone, but everyone's taste is different, there is no guarantee that every parent will love it, you can increase or decrease the amount of sugar according to the individual's preference for sweets. ...


Watermelon biscuits

This cookie is arguably the favorite of children, with a sour-sweet taste combined with a strong smell of black sesame, and every bite is praised. ...


Red sugar oatmeal cookies

The ingredients of the main ingredient are placed in a container and mixed until they become fluffy.
Add the egg jui...


Light cream biscuits

I've made a powdered biscuit, but I personally prefer to add fine sugar, and it feels like a sauce when I eat it....


Cream cakes for the New Year

It's New Year's Eve, what kind of cake should a newcomer choose as a gift? Isn't an ordinary cookie too unremarkable? If you choose a master's cream cake, it's different! The inside of a small cookie is wrapped in a thick, unique smell of cream, bite off a bite of cream, fill your mouth with fragrance, who doesn't love it? ...


Lemon and lemon biscuits

Butter 142G softened at room temperature
Add 84 g of lemon gum (if not, replace with 80 g of refined sugar + 4 g of ...


Small cakes with pumpkin flavor

Pumpkin season, it's natural to make a cake theme.How many are you going to eat at once? The square provides the amount of seven small cakes.The process map shows the friendship of Mido's children. ...


Carrot pudding cake

Prepare the necessary ingredients, separate the eggs, and add 5 drops of lemon juice to the protein.
Thin sugar and ...


Warm afternoon tea with waffles

Late autumn weekend afternoons, free time, making a typical dessert from Central Europe, sitting in a hammock, reading a book, are the rhythm of life after a busy week.Waffles originated in the Netherlands, then floated across the ocean and became popular in China.It can be served as breakfast, lunch tea and afternoon tea with different sauces and fruits.This waffle cake uses the American waffle method, mixing all the ingredients into a paste, it doesn't take much time to ferment in advance, it tastes soft and crea...


Light cheese cake

The cheese is softened with insulating water and then stirred with a scraper until it is soft;
Add milk to the mixtu...


Fresh meat mooncakes

As time went on, the price became more and more expensive, the quality gradually became more and more general, and I wanted to do it myself, to have enough to eat....
