No basic bread, simple and quick to fill the house with wheat flour

Comrades playing baking on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread.The biggest advantage of this dish is that it uses simple ingredients, it doesn't take time, it doesn't need a baking machine, the development of the dough is completely left to the yeast to do; the dough can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks.The dough that is refrigerated overnight tastes richer, and the parents and countrymen who ar...


Christmas tree bread

Christmas is coming, and the atmosphere is full of Christmas everywhere.Western festivals are becoming more popular in China.It's not my dream to make a Christmas tree cake....


Corn oil, meatloaf, fat, caterpillar bread

I've been making bread without stuffing, which has caused my family to eat bread with salad juice. As a shame before the snow, I chose the simplest caterpillar to roll the meat loose, the forming power is extremely poor, so I got fat. Honestly, silicone mattresses are really good, ten thousand times better than wood panels....


Festival bread - natural yeast panettone

Preparation of Italian sweet yeast: natural yeast (100% water powder ratio) 50g+ high starch flour 75g+ water 25g, mixed...


German Christmas bread

The recipe is based on a Texas farmer.There's enough atoms to make three -- I used 1/3 of the quantity to make one -- or the quantity of the original formula -- because 1/3 has a lot of zeros....


Rosemary bread

Rosemary sliced into small pieces for backup.
All ingredients except olive oil are put into a mixing bowl and mixed ...


Gingerbread - the flowers are angry

The name of this bread is "heart flower anger", because its sweet and sour filling tastes so good, you can't forget to eat it! ...


Meat loaf bread

I've been too busy, I haven't made bread, my hands are itchy, today I made a small bread with meat loaf, I really shouldn't make meat loaf, I've been eating meat lately, but the meat is loose for a long time and I'm afraid it's bad, so I'll just use it, I won't bother with meat anyway ...


Nutritious cranberry bread

This is a fruit bread with anti-cancer cranberries, high-vitamin C strawberry puree, and high-calorie purple flour.Who chooses, who is healthy, let's collect for health. ...


Red bean sandwiches

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved to eat bean sandwiches, I've made them twice, I've loved them ever since I saw the bean sandwiches made by the rice plant teacher, I've always wanted to make them, today I just had bean sandwiches at home, so I made this colorful red bean sandwich, but the rice teacher didn't make it look good, but the taste was still good, then I looked at the rice teacher's again, originally I cut it with a knife, the rice teacher cut it with a scissor, next time I cut it with a scissor. ...


Sausage bread

I don't like butter, so I use vegetable oil, I like butter, you can replace it with butter.Do not add water all at once, depending on the water absorption of the flour used, gradually add water, mix the flour until it is lightly cleaned, you can increase or decrease the amount of water. ...


Tofu bread

If you don't like butter, replace it with vegetable oil, if you like butter, use butter.I don't put a lot of sugar in it, but I can add it according to people's tastes.Don't finish the water first, different flours absorb water differently, add a little, knead the dough until it is smooth. ...
