Small bread

All the ingredients except the butter are rubbed together, rubbed like washing clothes, beaten, rubbed until expansive, ...


Rice and coconut packages

A bowl of porridge poured into a pan.
Add flour, salt, eggs, fermented flour, and coconut flour, all together, and a...


Bacon and cheese bread

Weigh all material spares well
All the other ingredients except the butter fermentation powder are poured into the c...


Flower bread

Preparation of materials
All other materials except butter are stirred one by one, until the yeast is dissolved in w...


Classic bread

The first time I tried to make bread, I didn't use the bread maker and the dough, I rubbed the dough with my hands, my arms were tired, and I didn't rub the so-called tendon.The final product, of course, ended in failure.It's not the same as the bread maker, it's not the same as the bread maker, it's not the same as the bread maker.The color of the unsuccessful bread is darker after it is broken, and it seems that making bread, dough and fermentation is very important. ...


Farmer's chocolate and cassava bread

Farmer's chocolate walnut bread, which is based on farmer's bread with chocolate and walnuts added.The basic dough is the same, the accessories are mainly to increase the flavor, the combination of cashews and sweet and bitter chocolate is a combination of crispy fragrance and thick bitter and sweet, eating a slightly thick taste.If you want it to taste better and smoother, add a little cream when you eat it, but it's hot...Usually when I eat, I add a little bit of cheese, it's a little bit lower in calories, it ta...


Beef bread

Preparation materials (the black bowl was corn oil, which was later discarded and used only beef oil for flavor)


Cabbage bread

Pour all the ingredients in the dough, except the butter, into the cook's bucket, and start the cook's low-speed kneadin...


Carrot milk flower bread

Flour, sugar, salt, egg yolk, yeast powder, (butter temporarily not added) half a carrot cut into small pieces, put in t...


The Frog Prince

The material other than butter is smoothed, then the butter is added, stirred to expansion, and the first fermentation i...


Tomatoes, boiled beans, and beef jerky

Hawthorn is a common ingredient in India, Africa, and Central and South America, and now that transportation is developed, the ingredients are shared globally.This bean, which is uncommon in Guangdong, has a rich nutritional content that can treat more than 70 serious malnutrition diseases, and is a recognized vegetarian star in the world vegetarian community.I'm going to use tomatoes for a while....


Onion bread

We have a special person in our family who loves onions, and all the dishes he makes with his hands taste like onions.He's not very good at baking, so he likes to encourage me to add onions when I'm cooking, so today I've not only sprinkled onions on the surface, but I've also wrapped onions in this bread, and when it's baked, it's full of onion flavor, and it's delicious!This recipe can be put in a 28x28 gold plate to make 8 cups. ...
