Milk and raisins

Last week I got my hands on a small oven, thought about finding a simple recipe for a small test knife, searched online for posts about small meal packages, prepared ingredients and did it myself, I didn't expect it to be a big success the first time, won the appreciation of the whole family, and also gave me a strong interest in baking!...


Natural yeast beer flavored with walnuts

To make the dough: 50 g of natural yeast (100% water powder ratio) + 125 g of high-fiber flour + 95 g of water, mix into...


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation based on brie

Make the sponge head a day in advance: 50 g of natural yeast + 75 g of high-fiber flour + 85 g of water mixed into a dou...


Bread of Caesar the Great

Cut the bread in half and prepare it.
Cut the cabbage into small pieces, slice the ham, slice the bacon, slice the b...


Purple bread

Purple potatoes, my favorite purple potato, are rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many minerals, as well as being rich in trace elements and trace elements.Purple potatoes are rich in nutrients and have special health functions, and their protein amino acids are very easily digested and absorbed by the human body.It is rich in vitamin A, which improves vision and mucous epithelial cells of the skin, vitamin C, which normalizes the synthesis of collagen proteins, prevents th...


Wine and meal packages

This bread is made from homemade wine, I've seen wine cakes for sale, why not make bread with wine, the fermentation time is shortened with wine, and the bread is soft and good...


Dried bread

After the birth of the baby, I felt that I should do something to feed the baby, so I bought an oven and a lot of baking materials, I made my own meatloaf cake, my own grapefruit bread, I personally think it's easier to make bread, these materials can make 12 loaves of bread, even if the meal is big enough to satisfy a family of four for breakfast...


The bread machine makes soft toast bread - 100% success

The biggest question is how much water is the right amount, I also made a grape-dry toast, paying attention to the amount of water, using about 350 grams of high-powder, 115 ml of refrigerated milk, two boiled eggs, 40 grams of butter, other amounts and the recipe are almost the same, give you a reference!...


Bread baked in milk

I've been on and off for 15 minutes, the color's gone, so 10 minutes is fine.It's okay to dry the milk according to your oven. ...


Whole wheat apple sauce

The role of milk in making bread cannot be underestimated.This time, we added whole wheat flour, butter instead of vegetable oil, and the finished product is as delicious as you'd expect, soft, but also textured, and very spicy....


Flavored bread

I bought a new oven at home, and I wanted to make something good to eat, I used to make it with a microwave, but the result was not satisfactory, this time it was a great achievement.It's just done, my husband even ate two, and one of them praised it very well, the beauty in my heart, you know. ...


Raw bread

Add 280 g of purified water to the bread maker's inner cylinder (a little more water, you can reduce the amount) after t...
