Austria's national treasure - Shaha cake - a cake that chocolate controls have to eat

Shah cake is the national treasure of Austria, of course the recipe cannot be exported, the recipe of this cake has been tried by many baking enthusiasts, who have made small adjustments themselves.The chocolate cake classic, Chocolate Control, is definitely not to be missed!...


Eight-inch cakes

I finally found a square that didn't collapse, and I've done a lot of other squares that either collapsed or shrunk, and I almost wanted to give up, and today I made this square very successfully. ...


Electric bells and whistles - banana and coconut cookies

No oven can stop a heart that longs for food from baking!...


Chestnut tea rolls

It's soft and fragrant, it's not sweet, it's not greasy, it's a cake roll that the whole family loves, it's very economical, it only takes about ten minutes to bake the cake, when the cake cools, you can prepare the cream, it takes 45 minutes before and after....


Pizza with crispy corn

Before I didn't play baking, I always thought pizza was delicious and mysterious, but after touching it, I found out that such a high-end pizza is so simple, it can be praised every time.You can make a delicious pizza with or without a baking base, how about that? Are you excited? Come and do it with me....
