German square bread - a bread with a very high color and flavor

I don't know if this has anything to do with Germany, but I think it's delicious.The surface is honeydew (originally made with yellow peaches), cassava sauce, and a multi-flavored sweetness of ginger seeds combined with the sour sweetness of the cranberries poured out from the inside.There's a sweet feeling of happiness in the mouth.Really, I can't believe this. ...


Black sesame and whole wheat toast

Eggs (my eggs are hard-boiled eggs, 28 grams) sugar, milk, salt, and flour.
High in flour, whole wheat flour, sugar,...


Bread with meat

I was going to make a roll, but I put it in the oven and then I went to do something else, and I baked it for a little while, and when I got to the roll, I found that the surface would crack, and I ended up making a loaf of bread..Ingredients: Soup: 25 g of high-fiber flour, 110 g of clear water Dough: 240 g of high-fiber flour, 4 g of yeast, 2 g of salt, 25 g of fine sugar, 17 g of milk powder, 52 g of egg juice, 50 g of water, 30 g of butter Fillings: salad sauce, 100 g of sea cucumber...


Super soft light cream mini-bread

It's rare to make such a small loaf of bread, because the oven at home is a bit small, so you have to bake it twice.And the kid doesn't like to eat bread for breakfast, he's used to eating rice, noodles, noodles, porridge, etc. I want him to eat bread, so I can save a lot of work in the morning and get an extra ten minutes of sleep.And then I got the idea, and I thought I could turn it into a mini-hamburger, and it would be better, and so I had this little meal package, and congratulations, the kid actually ate bot...


Flower bean sandwiches

Weighted material reserves
Put water, cream, sugar, two-thirds of eggs, yeast, flour in a bowl and stir into a dough...


Eggless pumpkin bread

When I made this bread, I found that there were no eggs in the house, so I changed the recipe, you can also make bread without eggs, see if you like it....


Sausage rolls

It's a very tasty bread, with sausage, with meatloaf, and a layer of spicy white sesame on the outside, and it smells great when it's half cooked.One of the bakers' daughters ate two, took the rest to school, tasted it herself, and did it again the next day. ...


Cranberry sauce

I especially like the fragrance of soft toasted milk with alcohol.I don't have a toast box, I've been waiting to buy it, at the beginning of this month I can finally exchange a toast box at the Integrated Mall, unfortunately it hasn't been approved, I can't wait, or Taobao beat the toast box, I've collected several toast boxes before, I have a toast box, I beat the light cream, the first time I made the toast was the toast of the dust, just a little change in the original recipe, added cranberry, basically, maybe t...


Egg toast

When I made the marble tea honey cake, I had a lot of egg whites left over, and I added some egg juice, and I made an egg toast, and I said, "This egg toast is so powerful, it's so tall, it's overwhelming, it's overwhelming".But this toast is full of juice and flour, it smells good, it tastes soft, and it's not like any other toast.In the morning, I cut it for my girlfriend and put peanut butter on it, and the little guy loved it so much that he asked me to bring her a piece when I picked her up from kindergarten a...


Brick bread

The rising season.The bricks made in the bread machine can also look good and soft.When it was baked in the oven, my father and grandmother were eating it, and the recipe was based on celery, and they made a change, and the butter and sugar were reduced, and the flour was mixed with the last three-color toast. ...


Chestnuts and tomatoes

I'm very happy that the baker's version of fresh milk tofu got a lot of likes from my friends the other day.Many of my friends have told me that they have successfully made a soft bread machine version of bread, and this news is my biggest encouragement, so today we continue to play dough and enjoy the joy of baking.Autumn is the most delicious season for chestnuts, this sweet and nutritious little fruit I can't get enough of, mixed with the last cooked chestnut filling and bought back sugar fried chestnuts to make...


Dried toast from Hokkaido

I'm more and more interested in making toast with a toaster, so it's easier to save energy.Hokkaido toast is one of my favorite breads.It is also easy to make Hokkaido toast with soft alcohol directly from the baking machine.I don't put any butter in it because I'm making blueberry toast.I added 10 grams of butter.It makes the toast more spicy and soft, especially the skin of the toast, it's very good to eat, I didn't wait to take a picture, I tore a piece and ate it... ...
