Black forest flower naked cake

The first time he saw this flower cake, he was deeply attracted to it, thinking that if he had the chance, he would have to make one himself.The warm spring season is the best time to make this cake, so even the process of making it is very enjoyable, enjoying every step, enjoying the surprise step by step, and the beauty of the finished product, even looking at it is enchanting.The popular naked cake doesn't need a lot of deep floral technique, it's decorated with flowers, plus a lot of points, and it's satisfying...


Cherry cream cake rolls

Cherries are particularly nutritious and high in iron, ranking first among all fruits.Iron is a raw material for the synthesis of human hemoglobin and myoglobin, and plays an important role in the synthesis of human immunoglobulin and energy metabolism, as well as being closely related to brain and nerve function and aging.Commonly eaten cherries can supplement the body's need for iron and promote the regeneration of hemoglobin, both to prevent iron deficiency anemia and to enhance physical and mental health.The fr...


Banana and cocoa cake

I've been enjoying oil-free cakes for a long time, and today I'm playing again.It is served with bananas and cocoa powder.With the addition of these two ingredients, this oil-free cake has a lot more flavor.If you like it, you can refer to it. ...


The Madeleine cake

Whole eggs mixed with sugar (almost enough to melt the sugar)
Flour, flour, salt, lemon peel, mixed evenly


Cake rolls

I've never been able to make a cake that doesn't peel off before, but this time I've managed to do it.It turns out that my success has always been hindered by my own unbelief.The cake rolls are always baked at 180 degrees, the middle layer is baked for 20 minutes, the cake is made with a very thin skin, the cake is also wet, the rolls are not broken, but the skin will fall off, so it is always used on the bottom as the outside.In order to make a cake that doesn't lose its skin, you have to get out of your routine, ...


Tea and cherry cake

When I saw this cake, I was sad, I really drew a snake, in fact, I could decorate the cake with fruit, I also used a lot of hand sieves with a little tea powder, which made this cake look not so small and fresh.But the taste is still great, with a little bit of matcha powder to shock the sweet smell of the cream, next time think of a good filtering method, so that the matcha powder is decorated with more beauty. ...


The cherry cake.

Cherries are good to eat alone, and they're better for making pastries.I add cherry flesh to the cake, and after high-heat baking, the cherries blend well with the cake, and each bite is special. ...


Chocolate sponge cake

This weekend, two consecutive breakfasts are chocolate sponge cakes! It's just that the shape is different, yesterday it was made with cream mango beans; today it's made with cream squeezed on top, decorated with the children's favorite cherries; with a cup of milk and a plate of fresh cherries, the children eat it....


This is Dora A Dream Cake.

When Dora the Vampire Slayer comes out in theaters, I'm going to make a cake for the blue fat guy, the little fat guy I always dreamed of as a kid, who loves you so much!...


Thousand layers of mango cake

Because of the first time, some steps were forgotten to take a picture, low starch, sugar powder, vanilla powder were si...


Cake of the wind

Prepare all the ingredients
Protein egg yolk isolate
Add 30 grams of powdered sugar to the egg yolk and stir eve...


Blueberry light cheese cake

Preparation of materials
Blueberry powder is used as a backup.
15 grams of cornstarch and 25 grams of milk are m...
