Chocolate decorated cake

Separate the egg yolk from the egg yolk and mix the yolk with 20 grams of white sugar evenly.
Continue to add the co...


Chocolate angel cake

If the protein is not used up, it can be stored directly in the freezer (or preferably as soon as possible).When you make a cake, there's always protein left over, and if you accumulate four of them, you can make an angel cake.This chocolate-flavored cake tastes quite strong, but it's not, as soon as it's baked a little cold, it's taken away.It doesn't have any added fat, it's tough, it's delicious.(Many thanks to my baking enlightenment teacher)...


Black sugar cake from the lake

Penghu black sugar cake is a Taiwanese specialty cake made with black sugar, glutinous rice flour, and flour as the main ingredients.It is the most classic cake with a dark sugar flavor, which is both convenient and easy to make yourself. ...


Warm chocolate cake

Warm-hearted chocolate cake, also known as ivory chocolate, or soft-hearted chocolate cake."The cake is eaten hot, and the chocolate sauce that has melted inside the cake flows out like volcanic lava, and it smells strong, and it's soft, and it has a magical feeling."The inner walls of the cake are also dipped in thick chocolate sauce, so that the final result is a layered effect.Full of sweetness and fragrance.It is said to have originated from a New York West Point worker who accidentally took out an unroasted ch...


Sandwich cake

I've rarely made desserts like cakes and bread, because I've written two books, I don't have time, plus my son is not at home, my husband's blood sugar is a little high, I'm very strict about his diet, so I gave up all sweet things, seeing bloggers make all kinds of delicious desserts, my heart still itches a little.My friend's kids are going to eat banana butter, and I suddenly thought, I'm going to give it to my friend's kids.I've been making desserts a few times lately, and I've really been giving them away, ups...


Carrot cheese and walnut cake

First put the walnuts in a 180-degree oven, bake for 10 minutes until crispy, then break into small pieces for backup; m...


A miniature chocolate cake for Valentine's Day

The late Valentine's Day cake.Dark chocolate cake body, with mint chocolate sauce, combined with white chocolate and raspberry accompaniment.It's the perfect combination. ...


Rose department

"It's a very classic English afternoon tea. I remember eating it in England, although I bought it in a supermarket, but it tastes good too!"It's actually a very simple snack to make, and you'll know when you've done it. ...


A small cake of walnuts

This is not self-made, it's also learned from others. I especially like to eat garlic, and then add different dried fruits according to my preferences. Besides, this cake is relatively simple to make, there are complicated steps....


Banana and chocolate muffins

Preparation: Banana pressed into clay, oiled paper in 6 moulds.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (the dough takes a s...


Orange and cinnamon

The low-fat flour is sifted into a bowl, salt, fine sugar, baking powder and low-fat flour are mixed.
Pour the odorl...


Ultra-soft and concentrated dark chocolate cake

The name of the cake is derived from the name of the dark chocolate cake: Winter Love.(Today's rain and snow in Changja Port)The rain is so in love with the snow, it struggles to embrace it, until it falls to the ground, then turns around, but can't find her trace, gradually, it doesn't know when it will disappear.Even if it's just a fleeting love affair, there's no doubt about it, and in the end it's not clear whether it's right or wrong...)...
