Onion soup and biscuits

Preparation material, 60 g of milk slightly heated to not more than 30 degrees, the yeast is dissolved in warm milk and ...


Delicious peanut butter biscuits

In a medium-sized bowl, add flour, baking soda, baking soda, salt, and meatballs to mix evenly.
Put the butter and s...


Cheesecake balls

Sugar powder and salt added after softening butter at room temperature
Stir until roughly even
Then continue wit...


Onion soup and biscuits

Milk and yeast powder are mixed first, and the yeast powder is left to melt.
The oil is heated to melt into a liquid...


Almond cakes

When I first saw this cake, I loved it so much, I hadn't started baking yet, so I collected it.It's a very crispy little snack made with gray-gray-sharing squares, and it's very successful the first time, and the kids and their dads love it.The crispy biscuits have an almond in the middle, the smell of milk from the biscuits and the smell of dried fruits from the almonds are cleverly combined, and the taste is particularly good. ...


Happy cranberry hard cakes

This is an Italian hard biscuit, with a handmade shape and a crispy taste that gives it a full country feel.In particular, the addition of sweet cranberries and crispy fruits makes this oil-free hard cookie a refreshing snack for grinding teeth, as well as a good companion for coffee with wine. ...


Whole wheat cookies

Love family, love baking, always on the go... ...


Sugar-free sesame chips

My friends often ask me if I can make a sugar-free baked food, because I don't like to eat too sweet food, but I want to eat fragrant biscuits.This sugar-free sesame sandwich is completely sugar-free, but it's still very good to eat, you can't stop eating one piece, it's a bit like eating a soda cookie, because it has a fragrant sesame, a slightly salty taste, and a pepper flavor.If you're afraid of sweets and you're hungry for cookies, you can also let go. ...


Happy toothbrush

There's a chance to try the new Golden Dragonfish, Grandma's home-made canola oil, as a baking control, naturally starting with baking biscuits.Recently, on New Year's Eve, I made something for the children in the house, both as a snack, and for adults to brush their teeth while watching TV, with a lot of happy pieces, very crisp and delicious. ...


Roman cookies

Today's cookies are still very simple in shape, but with the addition of caramel and almond filling, they are very unusual.And the cookie itself adds coffee powder and almond powder, and it's really delicious to eat. ...


It's amazing - the vanilla cream cookies.

This vanilla cream cookie is really super delicious, super crispy, super good to eat, with a strong cream flavor mixed with vanilla flavor, making you want to eat one piece at a time... eat......


Black and white cheese cookies

It's the same cookie that your teacher made, even the name is the same.I'm more satisfied with the cookies I made for the Spring Festival. ...
