Four volumes of the Zero Cake of Failure

The recipe is simple, but the taste is not at all ambiguous! The ingredients of the recipe, as the name suggests, each item contains 40 grams, it is easy to remember, there is no need to repeatedly pinch the recipe; because of its large water content, when rolled, there is no need to worry about cracking and other problems; the key is the taste, there is a pure cake smell like a crisp cake, but some more delicacy and lubrication, combined with sweet cream, it is really an instant entry, I can't do it!...


Pumpkin cakes

The first attempt to make a cake with pumpkin paste was very successful, the cake was still expanding until it was baked, without shrinking, especially the bright yellow color was very nice to look at, it was also soft to eat, it was better than the previous pure wheat flour cake. ...
