Cream bread rolls

Simple cream bread rolls, as a meal package can not be more suitable, then a cup of milk, a perfect breakfast, can also be combined with cheese ham and lettuce to make a sandwich, is it very popular, or is it a snack for children in the afternoon, it is good to eat anyway, it will not be boring at all...


Mini bowel packs

Recently, I've been a little reluctant to give up my eight-year-old oven, and although people are still working hard for me, I'm always thinking about replacing it with a new one that combines all the functions.I'm going to use it one last time today, and I'm going to buy a new one for work tomorrow.But at this point, I've decided not to.More functionality for me is just for the face, before the face was never satisfied, today I know, it has nothing to do with the machine, add a small step, perfect dough is not a d...


Bread machine version of milk toast

This cream-filled toast smells of fresh cream and milk, and you can't resist it....


Bacon rolls

The kids have been asking me all the time lately when to make bacon bread? Actually, it's a busy time, no one has time to bake bread, the kids have been asking so many times, it means they want to eat it, so last night after closing the store, I made this bacon roll for them, it was already 1 in the morning, it was just breakfast in the morning, at noon they went home from school for lunch, the two little guys destroyed two more. ...


Cow horns

Is the first reaction when you hear the name that it's shaped like a cow's horn? Yes, it's a bit strange, if you're not familiar with the name, you can't think of whether it's a cake or a bread?...


100% Chinese cream bread

Bread is an essential part of our breakfast and a must-try dish for every baker.There are many, many types of bread, there are American, European, whole wheat, sweet, salty, strange, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed.We often eat big, sweet bread, and many baking enthusiasts make the most of bread like the one in the picture.This bread is simple and delicious, and it is better to eat it sliced directly or smeared with jam, or processed into a sandwich.This bread is based on the original Chinese H...


Small meal packages

Recently, I've eaten a lot of codfish, leaving a few complete ink bags, and I've used the ink bags to make small meal packages, because the codfish ink bags are too small, the finished meal packages don't turn black and black, the overall color is lighter, it's very good for making hamburger sandwiches, and beef oil and fruit salads. ...


Flaxseed black corn

Flaxseed does not contain cholesterol, is rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids belong to polyunsaturated fatty acids, is one of the most important components of the structure of human cells, contains nutrients that help prevent heart disease and other chronic diseases, must be ground to get the best effect, crushed or ground fruit, can be added to bread, etc.Other benefits of flaxseed, Baidu says in detail, but everything and everything should be treated with a dialectical attitude, including ...


Cranberry bread

Another small bread that is very popular among children is made by mashing cranberries into flour.Because my dad is allergic to milk, the latest bread is made without milk or flour, just with butter, and it tastes just like baked bread!...


Pumpkin and cheese bread

During the pumpkin season, pumpkin-flavored bread is also naturally essential, and today it was implemented, using pumpkin paste to make this bread, using milk instead of water.Since this baking class is about cheese, this bread should also be in line with the theme, each bread is wrapped in a piece of cheese, which is a full-bodied bread.To make the kids like it, I did my hair with masurilla, I painted my face with chocolate, I made it look like a pumpkin, it looks cute too!...


Cheese and ham bread

This bread is soft and spicy, rich in sesame seeds, with a faint onion flavor, which will appeal to friends young and old. ...


Old fashioned bread

It's one of my family's favorite breads! It's made with a baking machine, modified the recipe, one-click operation, don't be afraid of the trouble, you can make the middle roll whole, easy to make, taste just as good!...
