Bread machine toast

Bread maker toast made on July 31, 2012...


Milk and honey bread

I've always liked baking, but I've never liked butter.It's not the fear that eating too much will make you fat, it's the fear that eating too much will cause high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.In addition, eating too much of this animal fat can lead to the risk of facial wrinkles in young female friends.Therefore, whatever I do, I try to find ways to change to the use of vegetable oils to minimize the dangers of excessive intake of animal fats.Milk and honey bread, rich in protein and vitamins, with no hal...


Sweet potatoes

Because I like Hokkaido, and I don't have any soft cream at home, so I'm making my own recipe, so don't learn from me.I don't bake very often, but I also like to change things.There's milk at home, and it's delicious.So I replaced it with this.It is thickly fermented, with the addition of water, and is eaten with golden powder.There are half a dozen purple potatoes in the house, reminiscent of the purple potato bread of the goddess of freedom, purple potatoes are amazing, but her side dishes are big.I don't have th...


Blueberry bread

Spring, when everything is recovering, is the best season for conditioning the body.According to the principles of Chinese medicine, the spring replacement of the five kidneys should be preceded by the liver.In Chinese medicine, the liver includes the liver and the neuroendocrine system, the eyes, etc.In addition to making some appropriate adjustments in diet and lifestyle, the most important adjustment is emotional.Therefore, in order to protect our liver, we women must be in a better mood.When you're in a good mo...


Honey bean bread

I've rarely baked bread in the oven lately, I'm lazy, I just have to use a baking machine.Ha, even lazy people can eat soft toast....The trick is to rub the dough once before starting the process of baking the bread. ...


Black rice and tofu

It's the first time I've ever made such a beautiful bread with a bread maker, and I'm a little excited. Oh, believe me, this is bread made entirely with a bread maker, and it only needs to be kneaded once (25 minutes) with my own black rice flour.. ...


Bacon and cheese bread

Outside cheese bacon has always been my favorite, in the past, thick lace cheese, combined with bacon meat was definitely the best combination for breakfast, when baking this bread, the house was filled with smell, the old mother praised it, the younger brother also ate it. ...


Old round bread

In the cooking machine, add the water, the egg yolk, the salt, the white sugar, then add the milk powder and the high fl...


Whole wheat sticks + buckwheat jam + fried bacon

Today I made this energy-packed golden breakfast package, a combination of whole-wheat noodles, butter, jam, bacon, milk, corn, and fruit porridge, which I had made the day before, and the next morning I woke up and had it ready.Speaking of sticks, even though it doesn't appeal to most people's eyes and taste buds, I just love the simplicity of it.Not only is it healthy and delicious, but it's also addictive, so you might want to try it for breakfast. ...


Eggs and yogurt

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, only breakfast consumes enough energy to maintain a good condition throughout the day, but many people are prone to neglect breakfast, especially for people who go to work in the evening, it is easy to neglect breakfast, this yogurt egg meal pack can be made a day in advance, heated the next morning, is a very quick, nutritious and delicious breakfast. ...


Cranberry bread rolls

Today I'm uploading a delicious cranberry bread roll, a very basic bread, without much difficulty, the recipe is also the original one that is often used, but this time I've added a lot of cranberry dried, made a small bread roll, making the taste richer, very delicious, sour and sweet, I like the cranberry dried inside. ...


Scented bread

The main ingredients are stirred evenly with chopsticks, covered with a preservative film to prevent water loss, refrige...
