Rose bread

So the material is ready to be poured into the container, stirred evenly, leaving a little bit of egg juice for decorati...


Hot dog bread

This type of bread is made by adding light cream to the dough, so the finished product is particularly soft and tastes special.If you like hot dogs, hurry up and make them....


The most beautiful woman who will replenish the blood - Asuk Whole Wheat Pack

Red dates are very good for women, but when eaten as a snack, the skin of red dates is difficult to digest, the water absorption rate of red dates is not high, only the essence of the fruit is taken, the red dates are cooked with red sugar whole wheat, combined with blood replenishment, warm heart, high fiber bread, really soft to love you from the heart. ...


The pineapple bag

To make a loaf of bread, all the ingredients except butter are mixed and kneaded into a moist, soft dough.
After kne...


Western breakfast - cream bread rolls

Make sure you have a good breakfast, every meal, a simple, nutritious breakfast, with a glass of fresh milk, that's how you make breakfast in the morning!...


Standard bread

First put water, then put eggs, one corner put salt, one corner put sugar, then put butter, put flour on the water, then...


Pumpkin bread

Prepare all the ingredients
Boil the pumpkin and use a spoon to press it into clay for backup.
The yeast is open...


Red sugar cranberry soft wrap

It is now very popular, mainly because it is low in calories, the process of making it is simple, the ingredients are only four basic things: flour, water, salt and yeast, the real euro, although very healthy, but everyone's contact with him seems to be general, and then the popular soft euro, improved on the basis of the traditional euro, is now increasingly popular.(By @YueBeans family)...


Rose bread

In addition to butter, the ingredients are mixed and kneaded into a smooth dough
Add butter and knead into a smooth ...


Cranberry and coconut bread

The unique M-shaped heating tube of the Karst oven, the food is heated more evenly, the color is more beautiful, reflecting the advantages of the furnace.Using this oven, I solved the problem of one or two uneven colors in a plate of bread that I used to make.The bread is baked with cranberries and coconut oil, and the room is filled with fragrance. ...


Flower wrappers

Isn't this bread very visually striking? Divide half of the dough into red flour, and then the dough of the two colors overlap, and the silk is strong, and this beautiful flower cake is formed.Silk and silk, slowly tasting.What's up? Are you excited? Then hurry up! The grill of the Karst oven is super good, it's not sticky, and it's good for photography.Try making bread with it today, it's quick and it's baked beautifully!...


Bread and flowers

The kids like to eat ham, so it's okay to do it....
