Simé bread

Put the ingredients other than simecon in the wrapping barrel, select "Ordinary bread making procedure" from the menu, a...


Iced bread

20 g of flour + 100 g of water
Open the fire and stir.
Heat and stir until the dough is marked and left on the f...


Egg and waffle bread

Mix the honeycomb milk and eggs, add the flour and yeast, and knead for about six minutes until the dough surface is sli...



In the bread machine, pour soy milk, add eggs, add a corner of soybean starch and put eggs in a corner, just separating ...


Black rice sauce

The most important thing on the weekend is to make bread or Chinese noodles and prepare Vincent's breakfast for the next week.I'm always looking for recipes, hoping to make better bread.I went to the supermarket on the weekend and bought some groceries, and suddenly I thought, can you make bread with black rice? Because black rice is a healthy food, it is rich in nutrients, it contains proteins, fats, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. Its nutritional value is higher than ordinary rice.It significant...


No bread

Pour all the ingredients into a sealable container and stir until the powder is insensitive.
Cover and ferment at ro...


Natural yeast beer flavored with walnuts

To make the dough: 50 g of natural yeast (100% water powder ratio) + 125 g of high-fiber flour + 95 g of water, mix into...


Marble bread

The color of the bread feels too monotonous.Add some color.There's also a small purple potato cooked in a bread maker and noodles.It's a little bit more complicated, but it's a little bit more complicated.But don't be afraid to make yourself happy.The expectation is the effect.What is the meaning of the name?It's working fine.It's not for nothing that it's so rare.The resulting bread is unleavened, but the taste and color are still beautiful. ...


Milk toast

Love and Freedom Drops; 450g toast mould used...


Thin meat bread

Carnivorous animals are essential...


Microwaved bread

Mother's Day is coming, and even though I've been a mother for seven years, in my mother's eyes, I'll always be the little girl who needs her care, no matter what I've done wrong, my mother is always tolerant, comforting herself, caring for me as I grow up, and trying to teach me how to be a mother.My mother is 60 years old this year, and my own baby is seven years old, and I've watched my baby grow up healthy under her care, and I've been a mother for seven years, and I've actually had the hardships of being a mot...


Hokkaido toast

I haven't had 250 grams of toast in a long time, so I'll just have to change it.I finally made it once, and my mom said it was delicious.Massage is secondary, as long as it's wrestling.(I just looked at it, and it didn't say the amount of milk powder, it just added it!)...
