Banana meal packages

It's a very healthy and delicious meal package, it's good for breakfast and afternoon snacks, it treats both soft bananas and fills the stomach, I love this hand-drawn recipe, you can make delicious food without special ingredients!...


Bread machine version of raisin bread

All the materials
Milk, corn oil, salt, and white sugar in a bread barrel
Pour in high-strength flour, cover the...


Meat loaf rolls

Mix the dough ingredients, rub the dough and add the softened butter and continue to knead (soup method: high flour 70 g...


Bread maker version of the black gallon sliced bread

The material
Put milk, corn oil, eggs, white sugar on the edges, salt on the edges.
Put the high-strength flour,...


Purple cranberry juice bread

Since the advent of the oven, bread makers have rarely been used to make bread, but if you want to be lazy, it's more economical to make bread with a bread maker.Today I'm going to make a big loaf of bread, and the ingredients are baked bread from the big kitchen, and the baked bread is very addictive to eat!...


Wheat flour bread

Use the bread maker to make the dough.
Grind until smooth to remove the dough
Ferment in a warm place, ferment t...


Strawberry toast

This hand-crafted toaster to help make the strawberry toast is also delicious.The strawberry sauce is also self-cooked, thick and sweet, wrapped in toast, both adding flavor and making the toast look very good. ...


Lightly powdered rose bread

Today I baked a light-powdered rose bread for my family.The children love the variety of bread, and often make it for breakfast, homemade bread without butter, nutritious and healthy. ...


A slice of bread

All the materials
Put milk, corn oil, egg yolk in the bread bowl, add white sugar on the edge, add salt on the oppos...


French long stick

I heard a joke this morning, a friend of mine had some baking butter and light cream in her fridge... but recently the kitchen was confiscated, and she lost a lot, and now she regrets that she didn't buy a fridge yesterday... haha, these losers are really bad!...


Peanut butter and bread

After all the materials have been put in the packaging machine, except for the butter, choose an addition procedure;


The bread.

Simple standard bread (required for beginners)...
