Flower milk bread

It's a childhood dream that every woman can't forget.It's small, it's delicate, it's elegant, and now, in the age of curly hair, you rarely see a lace braid like this on the streets.Maybe the smell of the countryside is too strong, but I still like it, I want a daughter, I make her beautiful silk braids every day.Well, don't dream! Put the thick daughter's plot in the bag, this bread, the ingredients are simple, knead it in the bread maker, knead it twice and then add the butter, and then do a full fermentation pro...


Honey bread

Mix high flour, low flour, eggs, honey, milk, yeast, white sugar, softened butter
Bread machine kneading, fermenting...


Mexican bread

Mexican dough is usually placed on top of the bread after it has been shaped, it is sweet and Mexican dough, it tastes delicious, many people like it.I suspect that my son has a hygiene habit, no matter what he eats, he won't like it if he gets his hands dirty, I'm really depressed, in order to make it easier for my son to eat Mexican bread, I have to try my best, and it turns out that the solution is more difficult.Hey, look, there's Mexican food in there, too!...


Walnut and date bread

Ready to use.
Add warm, clear water to the bread bowl, then eggs, sugar, salt and pepper.
Add the baking powder,...


Christmas tree bread

Christmas is coming, and there's a Christmas atmosphere everywhere, last time I made Christmas cookies, this time I made a beautiful Christmas tree bread.Bread with light cream is particularly soft, and the surface is sprinkled with sugar powder, which is more popular with children. ...


Mini bowl of bread

In the cold weather in the morning, I want to eat something with calories and energy, even if it's just one person who made this mini pancake last night, my stomach is upset, I immediately said I'm hungry, but I can't give her something to eat....


Honey bean bread

I'm sure those of you who haven't made this bread will be surprised to know that the outside of the bread doesn't feel like this at all. I made it for breakfast the next day....


It's called a cranberry horn bag.

I like to eat soft bread, so I often prepare the dough one night in advance, and then I put it in the refrigerator to ferment for a day, the first night I do it, it's a good thing for my busy work, and you'll find that the medium-sized bread is particularly tasty, soft, and with ginger, I'm literally drunk, I put some rum-soaked cranberries, the bread tastes better.I like that feeling. ...


Scented bread

Bread maker and dough, once kneaded, put in the oven for the second time.
After the second frying, brush the egg jui...


Curry bread

The recipe for this bread has been in my head for a long time, and I've never had time to try it! I like to study blindly and try new things, just like my personality!...


Stollen - a classic traditional Christmas bread

Stollen is a traditional German Christmas bread that has been around for centuries and has evolved into countless recipes and shapes.For the most classic of them, it can only be said that every German family has its own Stollen.So we don't have to worry, good food is the most classic.Since it's going to be Christmas, why don't you try the traditional Stollon! Today is the end of the ten-day shelf life, I can't wait to take out the first slice, as soon as I entered it felt a little bit like a slice, a little bit lik...


Natural yeast wines

Preparation: The day before baking, the nuts are sliced and prepared, the raisins are sliced and dried, and the raisins ...
