Meat and onion bread rolls

It's a classic bread, when I don't make bread, I like to buy it in the bakery, and I've learned to make it myself. ...


One-key egg bread

The recipe uses love and freedom, and can also be made with 450 grams of toast, and the taste of the package is really good, try it and you'll know. ...


Caterpillar bread

It's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread.It looks like there's still someone at home who doesn't cook at my mother's house, or who eats together, haha, this time the whole family is reunited, I have to cook well.Caterpillar bread, it's a very classic bread, it's found in bakeries of all sizes, the recipe for this bread was copied by the nut sister, the recipe is good,...


Milk and butter bread

The main ingredient is dough material, the dough is kneaded until smooth, covered with a preservative film, placed in a ...


Tofu bread

It is used to make soups.
50 g high powder, 50 g hot water.
Mixing, cooling and back-up.
The dough is kneade...


Natural yeast coconut milk meal pack

Pani Popo means coconut-flavored meal package, originating from the Samoan Islands (Samoan Islands or Samoa Islands) in the South Pacific, and is also often seen in other nearby areas such as Hawaii.The dough itself is not complex, the unique thing is that the coconut paste is not mixed in the dough, but is poured into the mold before baking, so the package is soaked in coconut paste and baked.After baking, part of the coconut paste is absorbed by the dough, making the texture softer, and the rest becomes a thick s...


Ugly cocoa bread

All the ingredients in the main ingredient are mixed in the baking machine, two and the dough is processed into one doug...


Cranberry rice bread

The main ingredients other than butter and yeast are placed in the wrapping barrel.
Execute the scrubbing shortcut, ...


Flowers and flowers

I've been complaining about this kind of bread, it's always ugly, and recently I've been practicing what my teacher taught me, even if it's an exercise, I didn't add coconut milk to the original recipe, I replaced all the water with coconut milk, coconut tastes good, coconut contains sugar, fat, protein, vitamin B, vitamin C and trace elements, potassium, magnesium, etc....


World Cup football bread

Put all the ingredients in the dough except the butter in the bowl and knead until the dough is firm.
Add butter and...


Onion salad slices

First make the soup: 20 grams of flour, dilute with 100 grams of cold water
Heat over low heat and stir until the do...


Two slices of bread

Sweet potatoes
The purple potatoes are peeled separately, washed, cut into thin slices, steamed and ground into mud ...
