Tiramisu with coconut tea

I chose the combination of coconut powder and matcha on this side, instead of cocoa powder, because of the bitterness of a little bit of matcha powder, just brought out the aroma of matcha coffee, purely personal nonsense, so for everyone's reference.. ...


Cheese and ham toast

The year is counted in the spring, and the day is counted in the morning.Breakfast must be eaten like a queen!!!!! Every kilogram of cheese is made from 10 kilograms of concentrated milk.Cheese is the champion of calcium supplementation in dairy products.Cheese is rich in calcium and is easily absorbed by the human body. Cheese without lactose is very easy to digest and absorb. ...


Cinnamon rolls

Once I bought a cinnamon bread, it left a shadow, I didn't dare to touch the cinnamon for a long time, until last week Opera Bombana tasted the cinnamon roll, I fell deeply in love with the roll, I fell in love with the taste. ...


Chocolate macaroons

Mixed with almond powder and sugar powder, mixed with protein.
Color can be added directly if needed.
Sugar and ...


His favorite snack is cat cotton candy.

He's always loved cotton candy, which I know, and I've been looking for cotton candy myself.I came across a good recipe yesterday, so I remembered it, and I came home in the evening and drew it like this.Because I made this cotton candy specifically for him, he was moved and praised me by saying: "Oh wife, you're great! I'm happy, I've been baking for so long, my husband praised me for the first time, sincerely praised me"....


Cheese and apple pie

210 g, low starch powder, 140 g of butter softened at room temperature, and flour mixed thoroughly, kneaded into a dough...


What is the name of the city?

Tiramisu, as a representative of Italian dessert, is currently a fashionable dessert in coffee shops, bakery markets and Western restaurants.It has an intoxicating flavor, mixing the bitterness of espresso, the flavor of eggs and sugar, the alcohol of coffee wine, the cheese and the thick aroma of fresh cream.The complex experiences that bitter and sweet can evoke are intertwined, layered and interpreted to the extreme.The sweetness of the cake layer, the lubrication of the cream layer, the bottom of the layer, the...


The Tea Theatre

Cinnamon juice can be made a day in advance, a cinnamon is cut, the seeds are scraped, along with the cinnamon pods are ...


Giraffe cake rolls

It's not as long as a giraffe, but you can imagine it as a giraffe growing up....


What is the name of the city?

Anyone who loves sweets will not be unfamiliar with the name Tiramisu.This dessert of Italian origin, as if by magic, the flavors of various materials are seamlessly intertwined, giving a complex and inexpressible taste experience.In Italian, "Tria" means , mi means I, su translates upwards There's another explanation for taking me away and remembering me and coming back.There are several versions of the origin of tiramisu, including many beautiful love stories.And a master who graduated from the Ecole de...
