Simplified Russian Lebanese

Whole-wheat soup with a savory flavor.Friends who don't like sweets, try this. ...


Grape coffee bread

Preparing the raw materials
The raw materials are placed in order in the packing barrel.
* Eggs are recommended ...


Egg yolk filled bread

It is mixed with egg yolk to give it an attractive yellow color.The golden-yellow coconut bread is enough to make you throw up three feet. ...


No bread

Pour all the ingredients into a sealable container and stir until the powder is insensitive.
Cover and ferment at ro...


A small loaf of bread made from milk and flowers

It's like a jade, it's white, it's smooth, it's soft, it's good, I want to hold it gently, I want to come only with flowers. ...


Four-leaf clover sandwiches

This is a breakfast bread for the little guy, and he's been coming up with new designs all the time. Ingredients: main dough: 350g high-fiber flour, 53g egg yolk, 50g fine sugar, 3g salt, 4g yeast, 198g milk, 35g butter....


Cinnamon cookies

On an autumn afternoon, I bake cookies at home.I modified the recipe to reduce the sweetness, and I won!...


Cheese and biscuits

Butter and cheese softened at room temperature with fine sugar in an egg beater
Add the egg yolk to stir evenly


Cheese cakes

I bought two boxes of cream cheese a while ago, and I wanted to make a cheesecake, but I didn't buy a cheesecake mold, I just used it to make something else.This is one of them, although it looks ordinary, but because of the addition of cheese, it makes the cookie smell stronger. ...


Chocolate peanuts and biscuits

Peanuts contain E and zinc, and are commonly eaten.This little heart is easy to make.My dad's been sick for two days, so I made this little dessert for him to brush his teeth and relieve his anxiety.Chocolate with peanuts, unique flavor. ...


Butter and biscuits

After softening the butter, add sugar powder and salt to the mixture.
Then add the egg yolk three times to stir unti...


Cranberry cookies

Let's start with the finished product.
180 g of butter + 120 g of sugar melted and mixed evenly.
Add 3 g of salt...
