Yoghurt cake

So the material is ready.
The egg whites are separated and placed separately in the prepared bowl (using an egg sepa...


Chocolate leaf cake

The amazing leaves, similar to the raw flavor, are my favorite chocolate cake, and I can't stop eating them.I'm lazy, I only make a few leaves, the more the better. ...


Blueberry and coconut cake

It's rare to make such a simple cake roll, usually it's a flower, it takes more time to paint, or it's simple, these days in the snow I haven't gone out to buy cream, there's a bottle of blueberry sauce at home, it's sprinkled with coconut silk, it's decorative and delicious!...


Strawberry cheese cake

Today is the last day of the event, more than a month has passed, it is said that it is more than a month, but in fact the event has been going on from 2012 to 2013, it is also a year-long event.Every time I participate in an event, there is a touch at the end, and no matter what the end result is, I will remember that in the 2012-2013 cross-year event, I took something seriously and did something that is over, but it will be a precious memory that will not be forgotten.I've made a lot of cakes, blueberries, mangoe...


Original flavored cake

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, it's been a long time since I've eaten bread, I have to change my taste, whether it's bread or cake, it's always best to make it at home, if you have time or don't go out and buy it, start your own clothes and food, oh, my family eats healthy, that's my happiness, happy to make food, healthy and healthy forever......


Cocoa and honey cake

There is such a cake, the ingredients are not very elaborate, the recipe is not necessarily complicated, but it always gives you a strong taste of love.It's called cocoa cake.It's soft, and the entrance seems to have a hint of untouchable bitterness, but the taste is of unparalleled long-lasting sweetness and happiness.Does it taste like extreme love?There's always a little bit of bitterness at first, but after that, there's a little bit of sweetness and a little bit of tenderness... I love you, not because of who ...


Cranberry Swiss cake rolls

Simple cake rolls are one of my favorite pastry hearts, although they are simple, but they can be made in many flavors.Tea and tea..Wait a minute... ...


Cherry mousse

Here's an early version of the mousse, the recipe refers to you, I didn't make it into clay, I just made it into cherry slices, chewing on the flesh of the fruit is delicious. ...


Cotton candy

This cake is for my husband, for my children, for my home, for my love.I can, and I'm sure you can too!...


Yoghurt and walnut cake

Today's topic is the walnut cake, which used to be eaten with chocolate brownie cake, walnut cookies, etc. The easiest way to bake a walnut cake is to grind it into flour and sprinkle it directly into the cake so that it has a strong walnut flavor.Recently, I made yogurt two or three times at home, because I ran out of yogurt fermentation powder as soon as possible before I went home, so I made yogurt cake in addition to eating yogurt.The cake made with yogurt has a soft taste, it does not swallow at all; the taste...


Old fashioned cake

Prepare all the materials.
Add the eggs to the sugar, put a bowl of hot water on the plate, and send it out at high ...


Chocolate cake

Prepare all the materials.
Butter insulation water seat solution.
Mixed cocoa flour and low starch flour.
