Chocolate shavaline

Chocolate Shavaline is a well-known French tradition.The shape is characterized by a concave central part, then filled with chocolate filling, which is a French representative of a warm cake, with a very Parisian and expensive feeling.The more I use the electric oven, the more convenient it is, the more I like it, the more precise the temperature, the more uniform the color, and then I use the flower-shaped silicone mold, which makes this chocolate Shawarin cake especially beautiful, almost perfect. ...


Cotton cake

Cotton cake is a cake that is somewhat different from the traditional cotton sponge cake, in order to live up to the name of cotton, it is very tasty, dense, soft and delicate.This is a cake that is more difficult to make, and although it looks the same as a normal cake, it really takes more attention and care to make a beautiful finished product than making a normal cake. ...


Honey cake

Honey cake, probably a small cake that has been with us since the childhood memories of many friends, now on the market, there is still a stubborn image of honey cake, ask the reason, because the honey cake itself is soft, delicate, sweet in taste! Of course, the editor must finally say that he made it at home, more delicious than outside, believe it, you can really try it!...


Old cake

Mix the egg juice with sugar.
The insulating water releases the egg yolk.
Screened low-strength powder.
The ...


Maple syrup

This square can only consume such a large bottle of maple syrup if it doesn't have to wait for the expiry date to be broken before it is used up....


Cranberry whipped cream cake

It is made by mixing 10 grams of milk thistle and sugar thistle oil evenly.
The low-powder foam powder is mixed thro...


Turtle cake

It is made by mixing 10 grams of milk thistle and sugar thistle oil evenly.
The low-powder foam powder is mixed thro...


Red sugar cake

On a cold winter's day, hand over a piece of red sugar cake to your loved one, and you'll feel the warmth of love while replenishing your energy....


Milk and cotton cakes

In fact, a few months ago, I made a cotton cake with butter, and I don't remember what it was like then, but the final product shrunk after it dried, and then for various reasons it was put on hold and never made again...Now I've finally had time to make two, and I'm basically satisfied with the finished product, the taste is good - it's different from the other feeling of a sponge and a sponge....


Taste the macaroni

Don't want to move.The thought of this court lady-like Macaron makes me lazy, I can't even think about it.However, it has been said many times that not acting once seems a bit too much.The summer is passing, and if you wait for the rainy autumn to come, you can't move.At the end of this summer, on a bright sunny day, with one remaining protein, I finally moved my hand lazily.You've been studying it for a long time.She said that if it wasn't for the rainy weather, it would usually dry for about 20 minutes.However, e...


Swiss cranberry rolls

Preparation of ingredients, sugar separated by egg yolk 20 grams protein 60 grams
20 grams of dried cranberries, cho...


Shuffle cake

Shuffle cake, the most described is light as a cloud, it's beautiful! But how light it is, you only know by doing it.The newly cooked soufflé is cooked much higher, it moves back and forth a little bit, it's really like a cloud.Anyone who loves baking, this cake is a must try! The cloud-like light shuffle, eaten is smoother and finer than the cake, today's version does not use cheese, it is a raw shuffle, lots of milk, so this cake is also very healthy.Because it's my husband's birthday today, and he doesn't like t...
