Chocolate and blueberry cheese cake

The cake is an eight-inch square.It's a square, and there's some recipes in it. ...


Giraffe spotted cake rolls

I was very lucky to get a very powerful cooking machine to try, just before the baking class was over, so I used the new machine to make the cake rolls first.The ingredients: cake slices: 4 egg yolks, 35 grams of fine sugar, 40 grams of corn oil, 70 grams of milk, 82 grams of low-fiber flour, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 4 grams of protein, 30 grams of sugar decoration: 150 grams of buttermilk, 15 grams of sugar powder, a moderate amount of blueberry, a few drops of lemon juice...


Easy to make at home

It's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, it's not cheap.Now I'm adding pictures of the process, hoping to help my relatives make delicious eggs at home. ...


Strawberry cream birthday cake

This is Tinrry....


Grain cheese and biscuits

I think it's the best cookie I've ever made.This portion can make about 35 biscuits. ...


Hokkaido winds

Egg yolk and 10 grams of sugar to emulsify, turning white.
Add oil to the milk, mix evenly, and finally filter into ...


It's a cake that's more suited to beginners.

The preparation of chicken cakes is often frustrating because they are too short, too short, or too long (severely cracked).After seven frantic attempts, a reliable method of preparation was finally tried, and it was called the Seven Mad Teas.Autumn baking is pleasant, seizing the fleeting season in the south, baking a try-on. ...


The Macarons

Prepare the necessary ingredients by weighing and dropping 3 drops of lemon juice in the protein.
Mix almond powder ...


Soy sauce

After 30 minutes of smoothing and loosening, the oilseed material is mixed evenly and divided into equal small clumps of...


Black sesame toast

It is cooked in oil until the dough comes out of the film.
It grows up to 2.5 times bigger in warm places.
The d...


Hokkaido fried cake

The egg yolk proteins of the four eggs are laid separately so that the proteins do not come into contact with substances...


Strawberry Swiss roll

The amount of sugar used to make cakes is usually not very accurate.Some people like it sweet, some people don't like it too sweet.After adding the sugar, you can taste it with a stick....
