Love the walnut pie

Preparing materials
Beat the sugar, eggs and oil evenly in the bowl with an egg beater
The flour, the dough, and...


The two-color cookie

After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and stir evenly
A good butter paste should be smooth.
Add the m...


Crackers and biscuits

When I was a kid, these cookies were my kids' favorite food.I remember when I was in first grade, I had to bring two cookies to school every day, and the funniest thing was that I often threw them away.Once upon a time, she was forgotten because of all the new cookies.But as I get older and eat more and more, the taste of my childhood becomes more and more pleasant, and sometimes I feel that the delicious cookies in the supermarket are not as good as hers.The more I think about it, the more I think about it.I don't...


Onion and sesame biscuits

I eat a lot of sweet things, I always want to eat something salty, this onion sesame soda biscuit, with a crispy flavor, is definitely a good snack for young and old, my little friend who doesn't like to eat dessert can come and taste it. ...


Grapefruit cookies

This is the first time I've uploaded it, and this is the most I've ever done, and I've brought all the cookies to my dad, who likes to eat sweets, and he knows that eating too much is bad for the body, so he keeps telling me to eat moderately.Baking is purely a hobby, but I envy people who do it for a living. ...


Tea year round biscuits

These days I go to bed late every day, and I make these cookies, and my mom says I'm on fire, and well, I admit... this cookie is specially made with tea, because my cousin likes anything with tea, and she makes something to bring home......


Strawberry cake rolls

Protein egg yolk isolate
Add cooking oil to the egg yolk and stir.
Add milk and fine sugar to the mixture.


Chocolate Swiss roll

The protein is pounded, and when it is pounded, the sugar is added in stages, the other ingredients are mixed together w...


Bread machine version of white toast

After 15 minutes of mixing the yeast with the water, the yeast is placed in a cup and poured into the packaging machine....


Colorful vegetable mousse cake

In order to make the healthiest and most delicious food for my family, I immediately fell in love with baking, and in order to balance the taste and nutrition of the whole family, I usually spend a lot of time thinking about the ingredients of the food, and I like to use natural fruits and vegetables to make an innovative green healthy dish: this colorful vegetable mousse cake is made especially for my two babies, with fresh carrots, carrots, potatoes, potatoes, these three vegetables, the first two are pressed int...


Coconut toast

The family loved the feeling of tearing the toast by hand, so they added some ingredients according to the other ingredients, but they didn't expect the effect to be surprising....


6 inches of cake

All ingredients are prepared according to the quantity, the egg yolk and protein are separated, and the bowl of protein ...
