Red beans and coconut

The last time I went out with my daughter, I walked past a small bakery in front of my old high school, and I took my daughter in to look around, and she looked at this, and I knew she just wanted to eat the red beans on top!...


Honey red bean bread

Bread concentrated with milk and eggs.
Put salt in it.
Put sugar in it.
Put the oil in.
Put the powder i...


Similar to cod bread

Recently, I've been eating toast every day, and my husband has been commenting, saying that I should change the style, and I think it's also true, that eating toast every day is a bit crooked, and I think I just bought garlic ham in the fridge to see what kind of bread I can make, and I asked my husband what his name is....


Mexican milkshake

With a crispy crust, a sweet crust wrapped in a very soft bread, and a multilayered flavor that makes you laugh and love, it's a bread not to be missed!...


Milk toast

Love and Freedom Drops; 450g toast mould used...


The bread machine makes soft toast bread - 100% success

The biggest question is how much water is the right amount, I also made a grape-dry toast, paying attention to the amount of water, using about 350 grams of high-powder, 115 ml of refrigerated milk, two boiled eggs, 40 grams of butter, other amounts and the recipe are almost the same, give you a reference!...


The bag of almonds

It's become a habit of mine to post about baking, and it hasn't been a mess lately: a person who often reads my posts comes to my door, and you post those delicious pictures all the time...It's not yesterday that a friend called me and asked me to help her choose a good oven, and by the way, she taught me how to make bread, and then she asked me how long it took to make bread from start to finish...They don't understand me, and I don't understand them.I play baking purely as a personal hobby, I can't, I have to eat...


Purple fries

Recently, the market owner sold purple potatoes, so it's very convenient to make some purple potato noodles.Seeing that free purple fries feel beautiful, then try to make them, after baking them in the morning, they still feel good, the taste is also good, haha it's a change of shape again.The first time I made these purple fries, it was a bit of a hassle to operate them, so I had to wait for several hours to make them as good as they could be. ...


Grapefruit toast

I'm using a bread maker to do the dough, and the bread maker is smaller, and it's divided into two doughs, and you have a big bread maker that you can do the dough directly, and if you don't have it, you can do the dough by hand until it comes out of the film....


Meatballs - My favorite when I was a kid

I've been in love with this taste ever since.When I was a kid, my dad would buy me something to eat when I wanted it, and now I can give it to my dad with all my heart, just looking forward to going back to be with my parents. ...


Honey bean toast

I've only baked bread once, this is the second time, I'm not skilled at all, the bottom is too heavy, the skin is a little thick, it's a disadvantage.I made my own honey red beans, a 350-milliliter box is not enough, when rolling it feels like a lot, it's not too tight, I'm afraid there will be a lot of holes in it, I don't dare to rub it after rolling it, I'm afraid of breaking the skin.The result is that the organization is good, except for the thick skin on the bottom, and there are not many holes in the imagina...


Portuguese sweet bread

In addition to its soft texture and round appearance, the most prominent feature of this bread is the taste of milk powder.Two oils, unsalted butter and vegetable oil.Bread baked in butter is the softest in texture.Nevertheless, there is no intention of storing butter.Butter with two oils combined.Three spices: lemon, orange, and vanilla.Not at all.I don't have the habit of preparing perfume, I can't think of anything necessary, even the bread for the apprentice baker.It's better to add a little bit of vanilla seed...
