Chocolate mahogany birthday cake

Preparation of materials
Shut up.
The egg yolk and a quarter of the sugar are beaten until white, and then the b...


0 failed cake roll

I've been making cake rolls, and when I was about to give up, I came across this square, and it worked, it didn't collapse, it didn't crack, it was simple to operate, and I finally walked on the sunny side of making cake rolls again. ...


Salted cream

In the spring, decorate your life with flowers!...


Six inches of vegetables

Spring is a short and beautiful season.Everything grows, thousands of gestures, and berries are sold.My mother said, "The best vegetable for the human body in the spring should be spinach, it can thrive without pesticides, it's simple, but it provides a lot of vitamins to the human body".So, despite the fact that our refrigerator is full of vegetables, my mother has always had a passion for spinach.There are babies at home who don't like to eat vegetables, but they love to eat dessert.So I washed the fresh spinach,...


The cherry blossom

A few days ago I made salted cherry blossoms, a lot of people asked what salted cherry blossoms can do, well, of course it's a little bit of heart-shaped delicacies....


Tea and beans

It's a very suitable snack for tea, and it's perfect for green tea....


Tea and cookies

It's crispy, it's simple, it's crispy, it doesn't fade, it doesn't use cream and almond paste, it's my favorite mac and cheese cookie!...


Dragon fruit flower toast

In the spring, the bread should be as beautiful as the flowers! Unfortunately, because the two types of dough do not ferment at the same time, so the white dough is a little over-fermented, causing a rough texture, who did not let me count the wrong time?...


Pizza with tuna ham

My son loves to eat pizza, he buys it from outside, it's thick, it's the cheapest, it's full of stuff....
