Sweet biscuits

Ingredients: 50 g of butter, 50 g of cornstarch, 32 g of plain flour, 16 g of white sugar
Add 16 g of white sugar an...


Coarse sugar butter biscuits

The coarse-grained sugar is deliberately added to the biscuits, and the grained sugar can still be seen after baking, especially with the feeling of biting and feeling the sugar, and eating more is addictive (?? . ?? )...


Sweet taste - chocolate cupcake

Chocolate dessert I love very much, with a slightly bitter sweet taste I like even more, the slow taste in the mouth the feeling of the alcohol melting on the tip of the tongueToday's recommended chocolate cup cake is high in calories, and it's just right to recharge your batteries on a freezing winter day, because a cake is small, so you don't have to worry about it. ...


Rose cookies

I've always liked the shape of roses, I've done a lot on this subject, but cookies are the first time, they belong to the experimental stage of learning, the petals are not well arranged, the edges are too thick, affecting some effects, I recorded the learning process for your reference.Friends who like roses can try it. ...


Seafood biscuits

The little guy especially likes to eat seaweed, and often when he goes to the supermarket, he doesn't forget to bring back a big bag..So this time I made this salty seaweed cookie, it tastes sweet, and sometimes it tastes good: 150 grams of low-fat flour, 75 grams of butter, 50 grams of egg yolk, 10 grams of fine sugar, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of flour, 32 grams of seaweed meat....


The bear cookie.

Isn't the teddy bear cookie cute? Then start making it with little Q. ...


The panda cookie

Isn't the teddy bear cookie cute? Then start making it with little Q. ...


Crispy flower cookies

Biscuits are a common snack, as a snack or addition to the diet, convenient to eat and easy to carry, and have become an indispensable food in everyday life.However, with the increasing variety of biscuits, consumers are increasingly confused and have no choice.In addition to the increased health awareness of modern people, it is feared that choosing according to the preferences of the population alone is detrimental to their health.In fact, the cookie method is a very simple one in baking, beginners should strictl...


The original cookie

The cookie, with its special spicy aroma, is not only varied in shape, but also has many flavors, coffee, chocolate, green tea...As a beginner, it's natural to learn the simplest and most classic original cookies first, and after mastering the basics and techniques of making them, you can start the process of changing them.In fact, the simplest and most classic raw butter cookie has always been my favorite flavor. ...


Chocolate angel cake

From the Throne...


Tea and cookies

This is about 40 servings, the size of the cookie depends on your preference....


Old fashioned bread

I've always wanted to try free old-fashioned bread, but I haven't been able to find it.I feel like it's high in sugar, and if you like sugar, you can eat it very well, and if you don't like sugar, you can go around......
