Cherry pie

The cherry filling is made by washing 300 grams of fresh cherries, removing the kernel, adding 25 grams of sugar, coveri...


Ossie's meal - chocolate apple cake

Apples peeled, sliced, and seasoned with lemon juice
Flour, cinnamon, cocoa powder crushed (other nuts can also be) ...


The Spaghetti

Boil the noodles first, boil the water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of oil to the noodles, wait for...


Red wine and black pepper roast steak

The steak is removed from the freezer and left at room temperature for about 30 minutes to freeze, do not wash with wate...


Thousand layers of cake

My friend's family sent me an electric cake when they bought the appliances, I didn't use it, I gave it back, I had a rich breakfast, my husband said that this is what really made it worthwhile, O ( ⁇ _ ⁇ ) O haha~...


Cabbage boxes

Eggs scattered, fried, shoveled into small pieces; tofu dried, chopped; leeks washed, chopped; powder cooked, dried, and...


Corn on the cob

Wash the filling first and cut it for backup;
Mix the corn, beans, pork, and eggs evenly.
Add the seasoning to t...


Lizin water cannon

The authentic Lizin water pancake, of course, comes from the hometown of Double Double, Lizin County, Dongguan City, Shandong Province.To make a good water pancake, you must have such a wood-burning stove, a large flat-bottomed pot, specially made for water pancakes, a small kettle next to the stove with oil for pancakes, a small shovel in the plate is also different from the usual one, a special long-handled shovel, convenient to shovel the whole row of bags up, turn it over, and take out the pot.(Double always wa...


Pork and beans pie

Prepare the necessary materials.
The flour is mixed with boiling water to form snowflakes.
Use your hands to mak...



There's a little heart that's very popular in Cantonese morning and evening tea, and that's the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag.Today I'm learning how to make this snack, it's not too complicated, you can make it at home. ...


It's like a beef jerky.

Who says you can't make Italian dumplings without a skin machine, catch the tail of summer, take a few mushrooms, and make a plate of Italian beef dumplings?...


Two-colored butterfly

I used to think it was unbelievable to see beautiful heads and flowers of all shapes and sizes, and I was very envious of those who would do it.As soon as you learn how to do it yourself, you'll find that it's not difficult, you just need to think a little bit more! Today's butterfly shape is a pasta that has amazed me, as long as you master the technique, everyone can do it!...
