Brio with lemon cream

Preparation of the dough: dissolve the salt, yeast and milk in the main ingredients and pour the flour into a soft unifo...


Witness the magic of the old face of the soup - Madagascar's vanilla toast

The recipe and recipe for the toast is from @LinYuYu #LinTeacherDoesn'tHidePrivateSharing #Lesson4 - Mystery Soup! Are you ready for the Mid-Autumn Festival?...


Bakery version of coconut bread

Put all the ingredients in the baking machine in order, first the liquid, then the powder! But remember not to mix salt,...


Bakery version of cocoa bread

I'm sorry I don't have a map.
The ingredients other than butter are placed in a bread pan, stirred evenly with a cho...


Bread machine toast

Start the grinding process in all materials except butter
Adding butter to start the second kneading process


Ultra-soft bread

This bread is made soft and delicious....


Dandelion bread

Beans love worm bread, so lettuce has to be made! Prepare egg yolk and red bean sand in advance, the rest of the thing is to combine them into insect repellent. The whole process is actually not difficult, just pursue healthy food lettuce, strive for each link to be homemade, never buy finished products.So it takes time....


Carrot and vegetable meals

Yesterday, under my encouragement, Fat Man's good colleagues also got their hands on several sets of Chen Shan Shan's kitchen sandwiches. After that, I rarely went to Fat Man's unit to play....


1+1 keys to make better toast

Using my usual settling method: weigh all the materials directly with a bread bucket and remove the yeast and butter; do...


2 hours of egg-milk grapefruit ham and intestinal toast

The yeast is pre-cooked with warm milk and all the ingredients of the dough are mixed and kneaded.
Fermentation at r...


Plain flour for yogurt packaging

Barrels packed in all materials except butter
Post-oil mixing to the expansion stage
I started with six portions...


The Golden Horn of Milk

When I used to make pasta at home, I hardly used bubble powder, because bubble powder usually contains heavy metal aluminum, and then I bought a bag of aluminum-free bubble powder, which I still rarely use.However, this bread is made with flour, and the fermentation time is short, so I had to add a gram of flour to it.But the magic of blowing powder really surprised me, I used only ordinary powder, and the two fermentations took only an hour to add up, and the finished product was big and soft, and it was very tigh...
