Cream of butter

The first time I ate buffalo, two or three years ago, a friend of mine thought it was delicious, so he brought me some.It's the first time I've tasted a dessert like this, it's very special, and it's really delicious, the milk-scented buffalo, the fragrant, soft cream filling, the crispy crust on the outside, the soft, smooth aroma on the inside, they complement each other!Completely handmade, completely free of additives, the cream trap must be ready to eat, unexpectedly.Otherwise, the cream will easily melt and f...


Black sesame ice cream mooncakes

After mixing the above ingredients, mix with an electric egg beater and steam in a pan for about 15 minutes.
The bla...


Cocoa and Mango Mousse

Mango is my favorite! Whether it's sweet or sour! It's not mango season.It can be said that you can have good mangoes for many years. ...


White egg yolk

A colleague's friend came from Guangdong and invited guests to the office for tea, so he brought the tea set to the company.I was helping to host the guests, and I found this cute little tea set, and the colors were so subtle, and I thought it must be very beautiful to be photographed, and I started thinking about it, and I was ready to ask him to help me make another set.But he gave me this tea set directly after receiving the guests, haha, I'm not rude, I'm happy, I'm happy.I've been looking for a chance to show ...


Honey and apple pie

I'm going to work this Saturday and I'm going to make a sweet apple pie, right? There's only one apple left, so I'm going to make this pie with the honey beans and soy sauce I made before, and I'm going to make it for myself and my colleagues who are going to work tomorrow, haha, it smells good!...


Sponge cake

Cakes have been my weakness since I started baking, and the first time I made a cake, it looked like a flat red sugar cake, and it was so bad that I never wanted to touch the cake again.Later, when I saw how much my family loved it, I was determined to challenge it, even though I had never made a sponge cake.Before doing this, not only did I look carefully at the recipe, but I also found a lot of videos to learn how to stir it, when I did it, I was actually a little nervous, and then I thought, you have to do thing...


Chocolate muffin cake

The raw materials are ready.
Put everything in the bowl.
The color doesn't look good, huh?
Put it in a muffi...


The toast of Madagascar's vanilla

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


Cranberry toast

The water is poured into the egg yolk and the corn oil is poured into the bag.
Add the powdered milk powder, sugar a...


Yoghurt toast

Yoghurt, milk, and eggs are poured into the barrel of the machine, with sugar and salt in the opposite corners. (The wat...


Black toast

Milk and cream are poured into the bowl, white sugar and salt are added to the opposite corner, and whole egg juice is a...


Mashed potatoes

Moose cake is supposed to be the most successful home baking variety, if you have enough patience, you can succeed. ...
