Lemon and cheese cake

I made a lemon cheese cake with yesterday's cheese, because it had yogurt and lemon zest in it, so the cheese tasted great, and it didn't bother me at all, the only drawback was that when I was shaking the last few bubbles, I accidentally used too much force to make the cheese fly directly to my hands and arms, it was very depressing, and the result was that the air holes in the cake were also large after baking, and I found that as long as I made desserts, I always made small mistakes, quite unfortunate.. ...


The slanted cake roll

It's not hard to make a simple colored cake roll today, just draw a few slashes on the grill!...


Chubby cake rolls

This cake roll is the most frequent one in my house besides the cheesecake. It's really good. I've made it many times. I love it....


Yoghurt cakes

All materials are ready.
Prepare two containers without water or oil to separate the egg yolk protein.
Egg yolk ...


Chocolate brownie

The chocolate and butter are placed in the container to soften the insulation.
Heated softening to 50 degrees from t...


Light cheese cake

Yesterday afternoon, I made a light cheese cake, and the cake tasted especially good, and the texture was that there was a layer of sediment at the bottom, and I did it a few times. ...


Cake of dates

I'm a beginner in baking, and it's nice to see my family and friends eating their own handmade cakes, but there's so much variety in baking, and my memory isn't very good, and in order not to forget the recipes I've made, and to be able to progress with everyone, I decided to write down the good things I've made.This is the second time I've tried it, and it wasn't very successful, some soft, some sticky. ...


Banana cake with glutinous rice

The grill is wrapped in tin paper, and this time I used an 18 x 18 cm square grill.

It is a mixture of glutino...


Lava chocolate cake

Lava chocolate cake, which originated in Austria and is known in Hong Kong as too soft, is a French dessert, a small chocolate cake made from chocolate cheese cake, with less sugar and a stronger cocoa flavor.She looks strong, but she's soft inside, and if you don't try, you'll never know how rich and beautiful she is inside.The dark brown chocolate cake is coated with a sweet and fragrant chocolate paste, and it is said that when you eat chocolate, the enzymes released by the human body are equivalent to the perio...


Cake for my dog girlfriend's fourth birthday

I have two dogs, a six-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter.They are like pets to me, like family.Three years ago, my dog went blind in his left eye, and then I lost two other puppies.Suddenly, they'll leave me at any moment.In order not to have any regrets, I started doing everything I could to be nice to them.I started baking my own cake this year, and I decided to make my own cake for my four-year-old daughter, who is still like a baby dog. ...


Pumpkin cheese soft cake

Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, and steam for 10 minutes.
Take two pieces of pumpkin paste and crush them sepa...


Lemon cake with spices

Peel the lemon and stir the fine sugar evenly (without a peeler, peel the lemon with a knife and cut it into small piece...
