Hot dog rolls

It's okay, after all, these things are preservatives, there are too many additives, we eat too much bread that is not good for the body, what seems to be expected in it is what everyone likes, our hamburger is, every time we eat this is the ham inside, the rest is my part, this time the hot dog bread is very soft, baked five, each one was fat and took two to pick up the children from school, one gave the hamburger to the children with the bread, happy and had to leave, shake hands with me and say goodbye...


Coconut bread rolls

The kitchen, a sweet and happy place.There are always moments in life that are full of anxiety and anxiety.Wandering around depressed or exhausted, as if everything was covered in a layer of gray.Only in my kitchen, everything is sweet and happy.It's as if they're all alive, they're singing, they're dancing, they're skilled magicians, and I'm like the girl in the fairy tale who got lost in a strange castle and fell into this magical world.Simple ingredients can also be transformed into all kinds of delicious, fragr...


Ugly hot dogs

Hot dog bread, which is usually made with high-quality flour and low-quality flour, I used whole wheat flour, and without eggs, is it a little different? ...


Flower jam and sweet bread

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine, started and processed in 15 minutes
Continue to add ...


Medium toast

First make the dough; heat the milk to 40 degrees, add the yeast powder, wait a while, let the yeast activate, so that i...


The oak tree

It's a simple and delicious autumn-winter bread!...


+ raisin bread

I was going to make a good loaf of bread, but then something happened and I had a leavened loaf of bread.A lot of people say they don't have time to make bread, it does take time to make bread, but if you really want to eat it, there's no way to do it....


Soup and toast

First prepare the soup, prepare a stainless steel bowl, mix the high flour and clear water evenly with a chopstick.


Bread with meat

Today I'm sharing with you this meatloaf bread, soft and soft, with cheese and noodles, the taste is more fragrant, the surface is not brushed with egg yolk and water, the glossy color is also quite good, and the meatloaf, the expected bread is always preferred by the family, the fat man breaks a piece first and looks at the good appetite, there is a sense of accomplishment, an unspeakable joy...


Sweet bread

I thought it would look like a small French bread, but when I cut it, the size was not mastered, the shape was different, but it was still small and sweet......


Caterpillar bread

I haven't made bread in a long time, I've always wanted to make soft bread like the one they sell in the bakery outside, and today I finally made it.It's really good, it's crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and it doesn't taste like a bakery....


Count's black tea and soft cheese

Divide the dough into five pieces and roll the exhaust for 10 minutes.
Open the dough in an oval shape;
After fo...
