Cake with spinach

Preparation of materials
Hot water to cool off the spinach
Mixing machine to make spinach paste
It's a good ...


Yoghurt and cocoa cake

A cake made from the leftover yogurt that the baby drank, tasting sour, sweet and cocoa-scented. ...


Light cheese cake

Isn't a piece of light cheese cake with a cup of coffee the most exciting afternoon tea on a warm winter afternoon?...


Chocolate cake with goat's milk

When it's a girl's birthday, it's natural to make a good birthday cake, choose the pattern early with her daughter, when it's a sheep's year, we choose the pattern of a sheep, I choose it with a computer, my daughter chooses it with a mobile phone, I didn't think that the picture we both chose was amazingly consistent, and at the same time we chose such a cute little sheep pattern.It's not as hard as you might think to make a chocolate printed cake for the first time, it's very simple to paint according to the prin...


Thousand layers of mango cake

I made a thousand layers of mangoes in a small cup, and added a mirror, suddenly I felt like mousse, the taste was like a stick drop because the Spring Festival is coming, I drew chocolate decorative accessories, wish my relatives Sanyang (goat) Thai, good luck...


Cocoa powder and mini cakes

Mini cakes made for cute babies.The cake mold used is a miniature curry mold, the shape is very beautiful. ...


Dried candy cake

This dish is very popular because of the addition of rum and a lot of dried nuts, and all the red sugar, the taste is rich, thick and warm, the aroma is abundant when baked, it is very popular as a breakfast and afternoon tea, or baking a delivery is very good, the taste is better after cooling.The square is from Teacher Nakayama's Chihuahua cake (the material below is a 19 cm hollow mold, I used half the size of the 6 inch mold a little shorter, I feel that the 6 inch can be made in 3/4 size) ...


Carrot cake

I like small cakes, but I don't like small cakes made from paper cups that taste like ink.A small cake made at home allows you to be free to be creative, add your favorite vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.Today I'm making a carrot cake, and I'm using corn oil instead of butter, and the cake is still very fragrant, and it doesn't taste like a carrot at all.Carotenoids are rich in sugars, fats, volatile oils, carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotenoids, calcium, iron, and other nutrients.Carotenoids in c...


Painting the cake

Painting cake rolls, on the cake rolls, with cake paste depicting my favorite patterns, I did: Happy Easter. ...


Cheese and cream cake

If you make cream cake in the summer, you have to keep the room temperature below 25 degrees with air conditioning, wear gloves, move quickly, and from time to time put it in the refrigerator to cool for a while.But it's much better to use cream to make flowers, because the process of making flowers can be reused, not because it gets rough and can't be used.Soft can be refrigerated for a while, winning can be heated in warm water, soft and hard can be controlled.I still love to add cream to cheese, and the sour tas...


Low-fat red date cake

Red date sugar has always been a staple in the home, it is good for the elderly and children, it replenishes blood and iron."Low-fat red date cake is a full blend of red date and red sugar, low fat and healthy, when I first started making this cake I was also worried that it would be too hard to bake, unexpectedly very soft and delicate."The baby likes it very much.A few small cakes and a cup of yogurt for breakfast are also very good.Don't forget to prepare a plate of low-fat desserts for your family on this famil...


Cake of the tiger

The egg yolk is mixed with 15 grams of coconut sugar and milk.
Sift into low powder mixture
Put the protein in a...
