Red wine dry bread

Mix whole egg juice, warm water, red wine and fine sugar in material A and stir evenly;
Take half the flour and put ...


Cabbage bread

How to make coconut:
The butter is softened at room temperature and mixed with an egg beater;
Add fine sugar to ...


Burgers and burgers

Materials: High-strength flour yeast, water, eggs, salt, sugar, butter, and flour, kneaded into a smooth dough that can ...


Whole wheat bread

After adding butter, all the dough material is kneaded to the expansion stage;
Double the base fermentation in a war...


The bread.

Materials: half a cup of cooked black sesame seeds; one cup of cooked walnut seeds; one cup of dough (high flour, milk, ...


Bread with a strong milk flavor

Put the cow's milk in a bowl and add 130 grams of warm water.
Stir until completely dissolved.
The mixing was do...


Homemade bread

Materials: flour, cream, cheese, milk, eggs, sugar, and yeast.
Baking machine for 40 minutes, fermenting to 3 times ...


Wheat germ bread

Put the flour, eggs, white sugar, salt and yeast powder and water in the bread maker and stir for 40 minutes.


Big almond bread



Coconut bread rolls

This bread was thrown into the bread maker yesterday, but when it was baked, it didn't have the desired effect, wasted a lot of material, and ended up in the trash.Getting up very early in the morning, continuing to wrestle with the same material for the same reasons and unwillingly with the same results, but with different results.It's just that I don't understand, if I try harder, the result is not the same as liking the afternoon sunshine, it's beautiful, the autumn breeze blows, it's cool.After lighting my brea...


The bread.

High in starch, eggs, milk, yeast, flour, salt, white sugar.
The machine rubs for 40 minutes.
Divide it into thr...


Tea and beans

The yeast is dissolved in warm water, stirred evenly to form yeast water, and left to stand for 5 minutes.
After the...
