Fruit cakes from the Virgin Mary

The raw materials are ready for use.
The dried fruit is cut into small grains.
After mixing the low-powdered van...


A low-fat version of the banana muffin

A good Chinese proverb says that failure is success, Mommy.After a losing muffin, today I went straight ahead with a lot of courage, I didn't hesitate to bake 21 muffins, I don't know where all this motivation came from, I have such a passion for baking.In fact, I found that baking can develop many talents, not only the ability to be careful, patient, and plan has improved, but I also became interested in photography because of my love of baking.Today's banana muffin is one of them, and for those of you who are loo...


Mango yogurt mousse

The child's aunt sent a big mango, especially sweet and juicy, but the husband was afraid of allergies and didn't dare to eat much, the baby in the family tasted a few bites and didn't eat!It's a very popular cake, it's 6 inches small, and the whole family can make it, huh!...


Electric rice cakes

Preparing eggs and flour
Pour the egg yolk into a bowl without water and add a little salt.
It is boiled and pou...


Street painted cake rolls

Occasionally, I make a colorful cake roll and play with the two children in the family.It's very exciting to put your favorite drawing on a cake roll, although it's a bit of a hassle, but it's a lot of fun! This flying cake roll needs five colors, so it's more of a hassle....


Dried yogurt

I think it's best to eat today's raisin yogurt because it tastes like yogurt and I like it, and I think it tastes so soft and delicate, so there's a reason to share it with you. ...


Coconut cake

I don't understand why this guy would choose your lemon and coconut cake, doesn't he know there's no lemon?It's simple, steal the ingredients, remove the ingredients that involve lemons, and make a simple coconut cake.It's called creating conditions without conditions.The surface of the syrup is free, it is not convenient to carry. ...


Blueberry mousse cake

The mouth of the muse is soft, the entrance is improvised, it's like love, sweet romance.I'm very fond of mousse cake, not only because it tastes good, but also because the name is particularly romantic.I think that's why it touched a lot of people!...


Chocolate lava cake

Today is the first day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the most romantic of our traditional holidays, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day.On this special day, what's on the program? Would you like to make a hearty meal for your loved one with your own hands?Chocolate lava cake, also known as lava chocolate cake, or soft-hearted chocolate cake.I like to call it a chocolate lava cake, isn't it picturesque? Use a spoon to poke a hole, the thick chocolate paste inside the cake flows out like v...


Yoghurt cake with berries

Material A mixed → manually stirred to light yellow → white sugar completely melted.
Material C is stirred evenly.


Joba paints a roll of cake

I've done this kind of cake roll many times, and each time I've changed the soup instead of the medicine, the square and the method of operation are basically the same, the only difference is the pattern on the cake roll. It's not the cake itself that motivates me to do this kind of cartoon cake roll, but the cartoon character on top....


Chocolate brownie

The butter and chocolate are melted and stirred evenly;
Add white sugar to stir evenly;
Add the egg juice to sti...
