Blueberry sugar cake rolls

It's been a long time since I've made a cake series.Just two days ago, I bought a bottle of blueberry sauce, and it came in handy, and I rolled it into a cake.Blueberry sugar cake rolls, the name might make you wonder where the sugar is, but look carefully at the process....


Chocolate mahogany cake

The body of the cake is still not in place, or there are air holes, the dough is not mixed evenly, keep trying, the flower technique needs more practice....


Cherry cream cake

Beautiful cherry season, beautiful local cherries are on the market, its season is very short, so grab the last cherry season and combine it with dessert! Recently more enthusiastic about herbal flowers, today I tried a new one, adding a pink straight line is not a more beautiful point!...


Shuffle cheese cake

Prepare the necessary materials.
Put the cheese in the plate, then put the plate in the hot water pot.
Stir unti...


Cherry mousse

Here's an early version of the mousse, the recipe refers to you, I didn't make it into clay, I just made it into cherry slices, chewing on the flesh of the fruit is delicious. ...


Pumpkin cake rolls

A mixture of milk and sesame oil is mixed evenly to form a thick rice broth.
Egg yolk and 20 grams of white sugar mi...


Strawberry-flavored cake rolls

It's cold and I always want to eat something sweet, so I made a Chinese-style bean salad yesterday, and now I'm going to make a Western-style cake roll. I found it super cute, so I gave it a proper name....


Shuffle cheese cake

The other day I made a cheese-free soufflé, a cheese cake that has always been my little bear's favorite, and how could I not try the soufflé with cheese?Shuffle with cheese is best made in the evening, and after it is done, it is stored in the refrigerator for a night and can be eaten the next day.It's very delicate, but I don't know if it's my taste buds, I think it tastes a lot like the cheesecake I used to make. ...


Light cheese cake

The cream cheese is mixed with the milk and stirred with a waterproof heating method until the cream cheese is completel...


Light cheese cake

Speaking of light cheese cake, I made it twice last year, most of the cheese cake I made was heavy cheese, thinking about how sweaty it is, the calories are really high, my little bear's stomach is now the same as Vinnie's, light cheese has the aroma of cheese, but the calories are lower than heavy cheese, so if you really like cheese cake, light cheese is also a great choice.Last time, some of the cheese was not used up, it was used to make a light cheese, which tastes better when refrigerated. ...


Cotton candy

This cake is for my husband, for my children, for my home, for my love.I can, and I'm sure you can too!...


Whole egg sponge cake

I've been in love with this cake since I made a few cupcakes with whole eggs for Little Fat Girl.The whole egg sponge saves the trouble of separating the protein and the egg yolk, and the resulting cake has a more textured and delicious bite.If you want to make a good decorative cake, the base cake is especially important.If you're tired of eating egg-shaped sponges, try the whole-egg sponge atmosphere! I highly recommend it to friends who like sponge cake, and you'll fall deeply in love with it......
