Onion soup and biscuits

Heat the milk to a low temperature and sprinkle the dry yeast evenly.
Add salt, baking soda, and powdered onions to ...


Banana and coconut cookies

It's as simple as I said, it's as simple as I said it would be.The introduction says that it is the original recipe of the Japanese teacher Nakashima, simple and healthy, the recommendation is not to change the recipe inside, but since there is no rapeseed oil in the house, I use olive oil, so it is not so golden yellow when baked, I have to be lighter, personally I think it tastes good.Eat while it's hot...


The panda cookie

A photo of the material
Mixing flour and sugar powder
Cut the butter into small pieces and put it in the flour, ...


Children's peanut cookies and sesame salt and pepper cookies

Mix all the powders evenly, add yeast water and oil to the dough, cover with a preservative film... stand for 30 minutes...


Onion soup and biscuits

Grind the oil into a lump and let the oven ferment for more than half an hour
And then you add the oil, and the oil ...


Onion cakes

When I was a kid, I loved this savory biscuit, and today I tried to make some of it, and it tasted like the one I bought at the supermarket, but I made it myself, and it was fresh, and when I opened the oven, it filled the house with fragrance....


Blueberry Muffin, also known as Blueberry Muffin

This muffin is perfect for breakfast.At the same time, muffins are also a popular food for foreigners. Muffins are relatively common pastries. ...


Chocolate paper cup cake

I've always loved the taste of cocoa, but I'm afraid of getting fat with butter, so today I'm going to try corn oil instead of butter....


Rose apple roll

First, prepare the material.
Cut the apple in half, then cut it into slices (the knife is not good, you can ignore i...


Dried muffin cake

This relatively simple, delicious and portable muffin is of course the first choice....


The cake.

Mixed and filtered with low-salted powdered sugar.
Add butter, cut with a chopping knife, and mix evenly with the po...


Red velvet cup cake and the importance of flowers

I don't know if it's my phone or an app bug when I was editing recipes...As soon as the map is turned on, the screen is black...And then I quit and reopened it, and I accidentally deleted the original recipe...And there's wood in the draft...The red velvet cup cake was sent a few days ago, before the lazy wood had a good sugar cream...Today I had the opportunity to make cream cheese sugar cream, and I wanted to update the recipe, but unfortunately it's gone now...All right, then...This time I'm going to give you th...
