
Take 120 grams of cream cheese and put it in a small bowl and prepare it to melt completely, 20 grams of butter is also ...


Small cakes with lemon juice

The eggs are mixed with sugar, poured into the oil, mixed evenly, poured into the milk, mixed evenly.
Low-powder foa...


Chocolate paper cup cake

Today, I'm going to share with you an extremely simple and delicious cake - a chocolate paper cup cake.The recipe comes from you, this cake doesn't need any protein, it doesn't need any cream, from the beginning to the end, it only takes half an hour, the steps are simple, but the taste is also great!...


Blueberry cheese mousse cake

My favorite dessert is cheesecake, and although it's high in calories, it doesn't stop me from eating it twice a week.Whether it's eaten directly in the fridge or baked in the oven, it's my favorite!But the baked cheesecake tastes better, and if you're as lazy as I am, then hurry up and make a cheesecake! The wedding anniversary is in August, and it's made specifically for the anniversary, and the husband and wife love it.Whether you have a baking base or not, as long as you have the ingredients I've mentioned belo...


Electric rice cakes

I've tried it a few times, and I think it's a pretty successful recipe.It's more casual, and it doesn't say how many grams.Since this time I didn't think to post the recipe, I didn't take a picture, I'll do it next time!...


Ham and cheese cake

This is what my grandmother made for me the last time I was at my grandmother's house for Christmas, and I remember very well that the whole cake was destroyed by us in an instant, so today I'm going to share with you what I learned from my grandmother. Little friends, when you don't know what to do for dinner, mix the most basic ingredients of the house into flour and eggs, put them in the oven and wait less than an hour....


Baking cakes without an oven

Peanut oil, sugar, honey in the eggs!
Stir evenly
The powder in the sieve!
Put it in the baking powder and t...


Water cake

Peanut oil, sugar, honey in the eggs!
Mix the eggs evenly!
The powder in the sieve!
Pour a little soda into ...


Chocolate mark cupcake

This is a delicious fast-food cake that is popular in Europe and the United States, also known as the Mark Cup microwave cake, which is a cake that can be made in just three minutes, especially for school and work families who are late for breakfast in the morning. ...


Winds and spots

Mix milk thistle sugar and olive oil together to emulsify
Mixed and emulsified
Screening for low dust
Mixed ...


The cake.

My friend is going to be a mom, so we're going to have a baby shower party for her.Everyone brought a dish, and of course I had a cake, because everyone liked to eat it, and it seems that my cake is still popular.This time we used ordinary Korean flour, which absorbs more water, so the liquid was also adjusted. ...


The oven makes the cake.

Separate the whey from the yolk with a whey separator
First, blow the egg whites out of the blower, add a spoonful o...
