Strawberries and berries

It's strawberry season, and I made a strawberry cake yesterday, and there's a lot left.It's very simple, so I recommend that everyone try it. ...


Pumpkin pie with honey

After looking at a lot of other people's recipes, I finally came up with a recipe for a pumpkin pie that I love, and it's a cookie-like pie, and it's made with honey instead of sugar, and it's healthier....


Making cakes

The hair is soft and sweet, and the old man is salty.Early morning, lunch and tea are good choices!...


Rice and lemon cake

Butter with white sugar, heated stirring, adding a little oil
Stir until the butter mixes with the white sugar.


Easy eggs

Two eggs scattered
Milk, cream, white sugar mixed together, slightly heated, to melt the white sugar oh oh oh oh oh ...


Red hearted dragon fruit yogurt mousse cake

A friend of mine who likes this cake asked me to show him how to make it, and I probably did it!...


I'm going to make a cheese tower.

It's worth a try. ...


Chicago black pepper roasted steak

The story behind the dish: the role of the steak: 1. to replenish the stomach, to nourish the spleen, to strengthen the muscles, to cleanse the sputum, to quench the thirst, to stop the saliva.It is suitable for consumption by people with shortness of breath, chronic anemia and yellow eyes.And now steak, pork, and lamb can be made at home in an oven or an air fryer, and it's not only clean, it's delicious to enjoy with your family. ...


Cheese and seafood

Double the heaviness, double the guilty pleasure!The point is: enough is enough! The material and the process are not too complicated, the most important thing is to be patient, and a mouth that eats the food....


Olive shrimp

The wheat is washed and dried.
It is cooked with pure water for about 25 minutes until the moisture is completely ab...


Roasted lamb

You don't have to go out to eat roast lamb anymore, you have to marinate the lamb for ten minutes, keep it fresh in the fridge, take it out the next day and bake it....


The golden bacon roll

It's very simple, and you won't be disappointed in the taste.If you don't like bacon, replace it with ribs or tofu skin. ...
