Coffee Madeleine

Prepare all the ingredients, low-powder, white sugar, milk, coffee, etc. Small pieces of butter, low-powder weight with ...


Tea cup cake

The tea is heated and the water is cooled to normal temperature.
Separate the egg yolk.
Add corn oil and matcha ...


Sweet and sour sandwiches

Today I made a candy-hearted sandwich cake, which was the first time I did it successfully, I've tried it before, but it didn't sell well because the mold didn't work well.Because this sweetheart cake, the crispy shell is so thin, it's really hard to see if it's not shaped properly.I got a new mold today, and I can't wait to try it. ...


Light cheese cake

This light cheese cake, was the main character of my Nobobo breakfast last Saturday, not only Nobobo loves to eat, our whole family loves to eat, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.This original recipe comes from the baking treasure, and because I've done it a few times, the amount I'm using here is enough to fit my two molds, and it's usually enough to make an elliptical cheesecake mold at home, about two-fifths of the amount of the recipe below, so do the math yourself. ...


Red velvet madeleine

The classic French dessert, the shy shell shape, always reminds me of the mermaid.In fact, it's named after a clever maid, Madeleine.Believing that every dessert touches not only its taste in the mouth, but also the fascinating legend behind it. ...


It's called lemonade.

Preparing food
The lemon is cleaned with a fine knife and the yellow peel is partially removed for backup.


The Three Colors of Madeline

Prepare all the ingredients and use a shovel to cut the lemon peel into pieces, add fine sugar, stir and marinate for 1 ...


Lemon soda pound cake

Wouldn't it be sweet to eat more cake? There's a pound of cake right now that tastes fresh and tasty -- not only does it use lemon, but it also uses soda instead of baking powder... it's a great idea! ...


The golden cake

It is a moist-tasting, soft and moderately sweet cake that is ideal for the elderly and children.Its ingredients are readily available, and the egg-shaped approach, water-bath baking, has a high success rate.The cake will shrink after baking, and in general, the height of the cake paste determines the final height of the cake, so the cake tastes good, has a strong texture, and has the delicate feel of a cheesecake.Such a brick cake, enough for two adults to eat Oh! mold: positive square non-sticky mold 1 (six-inch ...


Low-fat red date cake

On a cold winter's day, hot milk tea and a delicious cake go well together, but the high calories of the cake scare a lot of girls, so today's low-fat red date cake is more suitable for you!...


Hive coal ball cake

6mm mold 150 degrees up and down fire middle layer 30min...


Honey cake

My son told me to make a cake and take it to kindergarten and share it with my friends.So I baked two small cakes and two small biscuits and brought them over. ...
