Milk rolls

Add the yeast to the milk, then add the eggs to the mixture.
Add the eggs with high starch sugar, stir the dough in ...


Banana and cinnamon bread

Bananas are packed in plastic bags, pressed into clay, and all the powders, such as high-powdered cinnamon, powdered sug...


Purple bags

Wash the purple potatoes in a clean microwave bowl, put them in the microwave for three and a half minutes, take them ou...


Caramel bread

The yeast is mixed evenly with high-powdered fine sugar, and the egg yolk is mixed with water and made into a uniform do...


Whole wheat walnut pack

High flour, whole wheat flour, red sugar, and yeast are mixed evenly, and water and wine are added to smooth the dough.<...


Large packs of cranberry cheese

The cheese is softened at room temperature, and the eggs are smoked to absorb the cheese.
Highly refined sugar, yeas...


Chestnut and purple potatoes

All the ingredients in the middle recipe are mixed evenly, you can knead for a while, you don't have to remove the film,...


Chocolate snacks

High-strength flour, cocoa powder, fine sugar, and yeast are mixed evenly, adding water and eggs to mix evenly.
The ...


Big eggs and bread

All the materials are mixed into a cluster and then mixed to the expansion stage.
Basic fermentation to twice the si...


Homemade bread is also good.

The last time I went back to my mother-in-law's house, I bought some homemade whole wheat flour, and I was still wondering if it would rub out the film.After trying it, I found out that it was an unexpected surprise, and I made a beautiful toast and this bag.Of course, I'm selfish, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside.With milk tea and eggs and ham, this is the meal I'm eating.Raw...


Healthy low-sugar, oil-free natural yeast bread - red sugar, mixed fruit, and crisp bread

The next day he came back and started preparing the dough, but he couldn't find the right one, so he took the dough from Ctlin's dough and combined it with his own dough, and the family ran out of water, there was not enough flour, there was only ordinary flour to feed the baby with the dough, so it had to be combined, but the effect was very good, the expansion was also good, the internal organization was also relatively loose and flexible, and the dough was not very good in Europe!...


Hot dogs and burgers

All the ingredients (except the butter) are mixed together into a dough, mixed until the dough is smooth, add butter and...
