Chocolate lava cake

Dark chocolate butter sliced into small pieces, insulated, heated to melt (my Dev! half a box!)
Add powdered sugar t...


Madeleine's little cake - the taste of tea

All materials are ready.
Eggs, sugar, and milk mixed evenly
Sieve into tea powder, low starch powder, bubble pow...


The black chocolate muffin

Eggs poured into cooking oil
Add white sugar and stir evenly.
Add one egg, stir evenly, if more is done, stir ev...


Red date cake to replenish blood and color

It's perfect for special occasions, it's practical, it's bloodthirsty.Take care of your nutrition.It is suitable for beautiful women, mothers and the elderly. ...


Angry owls

Two eggs, separate the protein from the yolk, and process the yolk first;
Add white sugar, milk and vegetable oil to...


Cups of cinnamon cake

Last time I shared sweet and sour, today I'm doing salty and sour again.In fact, it's pretty much the same, it's a lot less sugar, a little bit more salt, and for flavor, I've added a little bit of cinnamon powder, and you can use other spices, like curry, which is delicious.Chiffon salé, salé is the French word for heavy salt. ...


It's a very simple chocolate cake.

The boyfriend is going home to prepare a small gift for his twin niece.The chocolate cake is both good to look at and good to eat, suitable for children.This portion is the size of 28 marshmallows.The cake isn't very soft, it's a little hard. ...


Chocolate lava cake

Melt the butter in a container, pour it into the cocoa powder, stick it around, and pour out the excess.
Eggs with p...


Brown crispy cake

Looking at the leftover snacks, I thought I'd get something to eat.After a layer of olive oil on the bottom of the cake, it turned out to be crispy and quite good.(ω)...


Magdalena, please.

Magdalenas, a pastry with a slightly moist taste, is said to have been tasted by the nuns of the nearby church of Santa Clara on the occasion of the visit of the young European missionaries to Spain in 1584, and even the Spanish cook Mondino was moved by its delicious taste.Don't be confused with Madeleine! I always thought olive oil would make a cake that tasted weird, this is super cool! You have to try it! The steps are simple and super delicious!...


Chocolate lava cake/the chocolate heart is too soft

Melt the butter and chocolate insulation and add the eggs to stir evenly.
Add sugar, sift into low-flour flour.


Carrot cake

One afternoon, I was looking for something to do, and I had this fat-free, low-fat carrot cake....
