Super soft bread

I bought the bread machine almost a year ago, and I didn't have much hope that the bread made by the bread machine would be delicious, I just wanted the bread machine to make its own dough, I often saw the sisters of America baking one-button bread, it looked good, I had a classmate who bought the bread machine three years ago, but every time the bread was hard and dry, the color of the bread around it was very dark, after consulting my classmates, I lost confidence in the bread machine.And after a while, I bought ...


Bionic pumpkin bread

Bionic pumpkin bread The cute little pumpkin does this to make pumpkin toast, and then comes back to make pumpkin bread, loving the golden color and sweet taste of pumpkin.I learned from a friend that it's really cute to make bread with wire rope.Ingredients: 120 grams of pumpkin paste, 80 grams of water, 30 grams of sugar, 250 grams of high flour, 50 grams of low flour, 2 grams of salt, 3 grams of yeast, 25 grams of butter....


Making your own hamburger

Hamburger embryos, you can eat them directly, you can make them yourself, you can make some meatballs, you can cut an egg, you can eat them.That's good!...


Coral bread

The newly acquired mold is unique, making all kinds of small cakes is really delicious.But I also want to use it more, so I made a cute little bread out of it today.It was intended to be shaped like a Christmas tree, but the dough fermented not in the shape of a small tree, but in the shape of a very small coral.It looks pretty good, too. ...


Light cream bread

Today, this small bread is still made with light cream.The bread is small, cute, and soft in texture.When this little bread is ready, let your son take it to visit the science museum, it's easy to eat and hold. ...


Tea and cranberry bread

The ingredients in the dough other than the butter are placed in the wrapping bucket in turn, the salt and sugar are pla...


Sausage bread

Last time I made hot dogs, the family thought it was good, this time I continued to learn how to make sausage bread.Roasted sausage bread is good to make early!...


Sausage bread

Sausages and bread, you can make a lot of things, you've always wanted to learn how to make them, but you haven't done it.It's not a good look, and some kids like it.Ingredients: high flour 160 grams low flour 40 grams whole egg juice 56 grams milk 70 grams salt 1 grams starch sugar 25 grams starch dry yeast 3 grams starch butter 25 grams ingredients: sausage 5 grams starch brush the surface of the egg juice slightly starch...


Flower bean sandwiches

The charm of baking lies in the change, especially the bread, looking at an inconspicuous piece of dough, slowly changing in one's own hands, from the beginning an ordinary piece of dough that can no longer be ordinary, to the end after fermentation, baking in the oven.The moment you open the oven and see your bread freshly baked, you feel like it's all worth it.In addition to the endless praise of family and friends, life becomes rich and colorful and tasty! Instead of eating bread, flower bean sandwich bread, swe...


Lazy cat toast

Put all the materials except the butter in the container, set up and start the process;
After 20 minutes, add the bu...


Bread with meat

Since I learned how to make bread, I've hardly bought any bread outside, and I've made it myself, and I can play it any way I want....


Flower bread

This bread, if you like it stuffed, you can make it stuffed, and if you don't like it stuffed, you can make it unstuffed like me....
