Oil-free version - Hawaiian two-pack

In addition to the low-fat flour, throw all the ingredients into the bucket, the yeast does not directly touch the salt ...


Cabbage bread

Making bread and noodles by hand is really tiring, it's much easier with the help of a baking machine, 300 grams of flour in less than 30 minutes to the expansion stage, this time made with coconut flour filling, a bite down, soft and soft bread wrapped in sweet coconut flour, really sweet to the heart ...


Cabbage bread

I think I'd rather have some without the coconut....


Mocha coffee walnut bread

Walnuts and red sugar wrapped in soft bread. Brain replenished and blood replenished. Full of positive energy!...


Round bags in two colors

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
Other materials, except butter,...


Brick and mortar

It's always been a pain in my heart, and this weather is no longer suitable for making butter bricks, this time I tried it with date clay instead of butter, and the effect was very good, very suitable for the exercise of making bricks for handicapped people like me. ...


Grandfather's milk steak

When I was a child, my grandfather was always riding his bicycle, and he had a big basket in the back of his car, and the big basket was full of scented bread, and he came to our family home irregularly, and he didn't come once, and our children were like Christmas.There were no snacks in those days, a simple piece of bread was the best snack, the bread was sweet, there was no filling, only a strong baking smell, at that time the conditions were not good, nor did my grandfather buy it every time my mother came, so ...


Walnut wrap

This bread is nutritious, tastes good, and is easy to make!...


Walnut bread

Low-sugar oil walnut packs ...


Rural bread

Different flours have different water absorption, so you can add and remove some moisture on your own.I'm using milk tea, so I've reduced the sugar by a few grams, and if you use plain water, that's about 22 grams of sugar, which is moderate.Rural bread is less demanding on materials, you can add your favorite berries, this is the simplest beggar version...


Bread of the Black Nobility

Highly starchy black sesame powder, white sugar powder, yeast powder, eggs all added to the mixer
Stir at a low leve...


The end of the black-fish bamboo cheese bread

This bread is called black bread, which is the name I gave it when I was talking to my bread teacher, Panini Hansen.Black noodles made with blackfish juice and bamboo charcoal have become a fashion in the last two years, from the classic blackfish juice noodles to the blackfish juice noodles to the blackfish juice bread and bamboo macaroons, bamboo cookies... With bright colors and subtle fragrances, black noodles are worth trying.It's a salty bread, with a slightly Italian flavor, blackfish juice powder and dough,...
