Red sugar crown bread

Making bread with the child, letting her read the weight, letting her stir the dough, growing in her studies.Red sugar bread has a special flavor. ...


Caterpillar bread

This square is the result of two failed attempts to make bread, and I've learned from it, and I've studied several squares, and I've tried it today, and it's been quite successful. ...


Small bread

All materials except butter are placed in the container and the dough.
After 15 minutes, add the butter and continue...


Sweet and sour - red sugar dates and bread rolls

I accidentally got a sweet, sweet bread, which I was going to bake in the oven a little bit of red sugar, and it was cooked in the middle of the bread roll, and by the time I reacted, the red sugar had melted into the red sugar sauce, and the machine moved, rubbing the hot red sugar sauce on top of the bread germ.The golden rolls of bread, the fragrant flavor, the sweetness of red sugar with the slightly sour sweetness of raisins, this is the most delicious taste!...


Black sesame ham and bread rolls

The kids love to eat ham, and every time I make a ham roll or something, as long as I can look at the ham, the kid always picks up the ham one by one and eats it, and the dough is thrown aside and doesn't care anymore, this time I cut the ham all up and wrap it in it, see how you pick it up. ...


My favorite is coconut bread.

Coconut bread has always been one of my favorite breads, every time I go to a bakery, I can't resist the temptation to buy a bag of coconut bread online, I just saw a box of coconut bread, the original coconut bread filling had no problems I imagined, the good coconut bread sprayed, that's the taste in my memory oh!...


Flower bread

If you don't know what to make, just make a circle around it, and put your favorite filling in the middle, it's easy to eat, it's easy to make. ...


Black sesame toast

Black sesame contains iron and vitamin E, which are important components in the prevention of anemia, activating brain cells, eliminating blood vessel cholesterol; black sesame contains mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which have the effect of prolonging life; black sesame contains a variety of essential amino acids that accelerate the metabolic function of the human body; general vegetarians should eat more black sesame, and people who work on the brain should eat more black sesame.Add black sesame to your regular ...


Chestnut bags from Castor

Autumn is the season of sweet and fragrant chestnuts, sweet and fragrant chestnuts, you can't get enough of them, they're also great for decorating bread....


The caste network package

My favorite is the sweet taste of cassava, which is not only delicious, but it's also great for decorating bread....


Hide the sweetness in your heart - honey bean flower roll

Red beans, my favorite staple food, sometimes cooked in a pot, mixed with flour, can have seventy-two changes, today turn into a small roll, roll this sweet taste layer by layer in the heart, like this happy life, always sweet in the heart. ...


Red wine and walnuts

Red wine is not only a good coloring beverage, but it is also good to eat, mixed with aromatic red wine, added to various nuts, and made into a soft oatmeal, which tastes quite good. ...
