Christmas bread

I made a Christmas cake for my son, he took it to school and shared it with his children, and then he asked me to make another Christmas cake for him, and this Christmas cake came out. ...


Milk round bread

This milk round bread, using the "love and freedom" recipe, is sweet, soft, delicious and easy to make. ...


Ham and turkey

My son loves to eat ham, and the bread has a little bit of ham in it, and people love it. ...


Pumpkin bread roll

Boil the pumpkin into a dough, put it in a bag, and the finished product is both nutritious and yellow-yellow in color.Now I like to make bread in a medium-sized way, which is softer and more organized. ...


Embroidered bags

Bread made from pumpkin paste, sweet and soft, although the process is a bit complicated, but the shape is beautiful. ...


Sour wheat bread

I remember making soup bread when I first learned how to make bread, and the finished product is softer.The dough on the bread is made for the first time, the dough is crispy, the inside is soft, the taste is still good. ...


Bread with beer

There's beer from the night before, there's bread that smells like wine, there's almost no wine, and it's delicious....


Bread with bones

The knife of the baking machine in the house is missing, and because the double-twelfth and double-twelfth have lost too much silver, they are reluctant to buy a new baking machine, and recently they have only been able to do it by hand.In the northern winter, because of the insufficient temperature, the dough takes a long time to ferment.Recently, I found a good way to put a hot pot underneath the dough, which greatly reduces the time it takes to ferment. ...


A pack of blueberry jam and milk

You can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread, you can eat your own bread. ...


Cheese bread

I've always liked the tempting cheese bread in the bakery, especially the scented, slippery skin on top, and after playing with the baking, I realized that the one I've always loved is cheese, and this time I bought the cheese back, and I'm sure I'll try it!...


Wooden bags of milk

This is a loaf of bread that I ate many years ago, it's not soft, it smells like milk, it's a very tasty snack, I just don't know what to call it, until one day I saw it on the Internet, it's so simple, it doesn't need to be removed, it just needs to be fermented once, I can't wait to make it again. ...


Christmas sausage bread

Bread, we've all eaten it, but the bread we make is soft, sweet and salty in moderation, and you can take your children with you, do what you like, move your heart, and act. ...
