Onion salad slices

First make the soup: 20 grams of flour, dilute with 100 grams of cold water
Heat over low heat and stir until the do...


Mouse meal bags are also fun.

Put all the main ingredients in the bread maker, press the automatic and dough button, my home bread maker's automatic a...


Circular rods

The flour and yeast are boiled in warm water and fermented overnight at room temperature.
Repeat the kneading until ...


Carrot French meal packages

The addition of potato paste improves the overall taste, adds rollers, and has a more layered taste.The flour is stored at 28 degrees Celsius until the third day without any aging of the flour.Let's move the potato controls! The 22 x 22 cm grill can be arranged in nine small meal packs, for reference. ...


European beer bread

The dry material and the wet material are mixed until the surface is smooth and elastic, and then the butter is mixed un...


Red bean bread

Preparation of materials
Mixing materials other than butter
In fact, there is also a method of kneading, I'm ref...


Cabbage bread

The other day, I baked some coconut and grape flower bread, which tasted good, but because the temperature and time were not adjusted properly, it did not achieve the desired effect.On the Internet, I checked the relationship between the size of the bread and the temperature of the time, the baking temperature and the volume of the bread in contrast, the larger the volume of the bread, the lower the temperature, the longer the time; conversely, the smaller the volume, the higher the temperature, the shorter the tim...


Walnut cranberry whole-wheat bread baked in an oven

85-degree walnut bread I really like to eat, 10 yuan a piece is not cheap, this time I bought a baking machine myself, I can make my own bread later! The difference from others is that my bread is baked in the oven oh, it's better than baking in the baking machine...


Toast from Hokkaido

Take a small milk pot, mix the high flour and water fully in the small milk pot, then put the small milk pot on top of t...


Tofu bread

Pour high flour, sugar, egg juice, yeast, water, salt into the bowl, stir together, then mix by hand, then add butter an...


Applesauce and bread

In addition to unsalted butter, pour high-flour, low-flour yeast, eggs, sugar, salt and milk into the bowl, stir and rub...


Flower bread

Prepare the ingredients, it's better to leave a fifth of the whole egg juice, I forgot today, later I took another egg
