Candy bears

Ever since she started baking, she's been my favorite little white mouse and reviewer (laughs), and her favorite is the cookie that tastes simple and clean but doesn't taste good anyway.It's been a long time since I've had a cookie made by my hands because of work or other emotional reasons, and today I made a cute little bear for her to celebrate her birthday. ...


Japanese tea-flavored biscuits - soft, sweet and tasty

This cookie uses the square of a sugar cookie, slightly modified.There are elderly people in the house who like to eat sweet food, but their teeth are bad, they especially like soft biscuits, but they don't like too sweet.I've just seen this cookie, it's got egg yolk, it's very soft, it's got an entrance, it's got a tea powder, it's got a tea powder, it's got a tea powder, it's got a butter cookie.It is also one of the characteristics of the rich taste of the mouth, which is very popular with the elderly and childr...


Tea and cookies

The softened butter is mixed with tea powder and sugar powder.
Add the egg yolk.
The powder is dissolved in the ...


Cake with cassava sauce

As mentioned earlier, Isabella has gained so much weight that her face is obscured by the camera, so today's cupcake is made without butter and chocolate from top to bottom to alleviate the guilt of eating dessert... This little cake is a bit casual, but still delicious....
